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Feng Shui Kitchens

Posted on September 8, 2011 in News

In many homes the kitchen is the most important place, because here family gathers for a meal, to solve some issues and decision-making, and the woman generally spends in the kitchen most of his time. The Chinese even believe that the appearance of the kitchen shows the security of the family. Therefore, the kitchen should be comfortable and cozy, going to the kitchen, you can relax over a cup of tea or coffee. All this is achieved, the rules of feng shui. Feng Shui – a complex teaching, and traditional recommendations are given to every home and family. But there are general recommendations and advice on how to achieve a good feng shui in the kitchen. Read the same 10 ideas for the design of small-sized kitchen to start general tips on feng shui. The Council first – well if you were at the cutting table, bowls or plates can see everyone who comes into the kitchen.

But often in our kitchens to do it virtually impossible or fraught with the emergence of other inconveniences. For possibility of such a review should hang a mirror above the door or above the working area. It will help you feel more comfortable and visually expand the space of the kitchen. Council second – is that in homes the kitchen is emergency exit, or we ourselves make alterations to the apartment so that the kitchen is the entrance so should not be, because the constant movement in the kitchen hinder the workflow.