Posted on January 12, 2017 in News
When designing a modern bathroom, should mainly focus on the choice of wall and plumbing materials. Floor and walls of the room most often laid tiles, which should be well transfer of moisture and temperature extremes. Lining material for the floor is selected from the corrugated surface. Ceilings in the bathrooms often make a tripwire, for which use only water-resistant materials. Main element that decorate the interior of a bathroom, will, of course, the very bathroom.
An excellent option would be if the size of the room allows you to set a spacious bathroom. If not, then you can stop the choice on the shower. Sink can be selected, complete with a bathroom, or separately. The classic solution would be to put over the sink cabinet with mirrored doors, or simply a mirror. Important is the choice of lighting for the bathroom here should think about the general lighting and illumination of the mirrors. Attention to detail and quality execution of bathroom design will ensure your comfort for years to come.
Posted on June 5, 2014 in News
Throughout the twentieth century in the manufacture of furniture for the home, there are three permanent stylistic direction. They can be described as art and design, stilizatorsky and avant-garde. Nowadays, a considerable part of production and domestic and foreign producers along the lines of the first two of these styles. Unfortunately, the models belonging to the avant-garde stream, mainly French and Italian manufacturers, can be seen only occasionally – mostly on international exhibitions. Origin and main features of these areas of Art and Design course. First appeared at the turn of the xix and xx centuries, as derivative of style during the "modern". Characterized by a complete rejection of the furniture art of traditional decorative elements borrowed from the Baroque, Rococo and Classicism. Direction developed on the basis of the masters of the Bauhaus (high school building and styling, Germany, 20-years) and in industrial design 50-60 years, dominant in the manufacture of furniture and other products.
This success can be attributed to that it provided for industry design solutions, allowing rapid increase in mass production in the postwar period. The main rule of styling – nothing superfluous in form of the product, so that the aesthetics of furniture was achieved by the harmony of proportions, logic design and more effectively connect different materials in the complete absence of decorative elements. The only exception to be just the natural wood grain and its imitation of synthetic materials – fabric and ribbed glass. Nowadays, this trend presents sold in stores numerous modern cabinets and walls, kitchen furniture sets, sofas, chairs, etc., domestic and foreign production.
Posted on September 13, 2011 in News
Many of us do not attach importance to the choice of colors for her room, and this is reflected in all our future lives. Colors surrounding us have a strong influence on our moods and our feelings. Different colors characterize many things such as sex, age, ethnic group or normal temperature. Using a certain color, or group of colors, can cause many people feel similar. You do not need to chase fashion, so beautifully equip your home. When selecting furniture, remember that in the first place you choose it for themselves, and in color should be guided only by their own preferences. To make it comfortable enough in her own apartment only a select few colors that you enjoy, and make them the right combination. The choice of color combinations – is one of the key steps in choosing colors room.
Remember that the color of visual changes shapes and sizes of individual parts of the room according to the size of the room. The choice of color – not a difficult task if you know the effect of each of the colors. When choosing color, remember that each shade has a psychological impact. Try to understand what you feel, looking at the specific color. Different colors may cause you any emotion from calm to rage, so do not make ill-advised choice. Just remember that some colors large quantities give the opposite effect. When choosing colors your basic questions should be: "What kind of mood I want to create yourself?" And "What color will help me to create this mood?".
Posted on August 4, 2011 in News
The structure of the premises. Number of model projects apartments to be built small and they do not change for a long time. In the design can not meet the specific needs of each individual family, so a typical project is designed for the average family. In real life, everyday needs of modern families are diverse and vary with the material and cultural level. Lifestyles of families and can not be considered settled once and for all. We all grew up in a socialist society, under the influence of the same ideological and other basic facilities. Therefore, the principal features of lifestyles and life – are common to all 'Soviet families.
" Must also be remembered that most modern families and developing are fairly equally. All this is taken into account when designing model apartments. Moreover, for each demographic type family designed their architecture planning type of apartment. Despite the fact that the term 'zone' is not unambiguous association, we will still use this term when describing the layout of apartments. Many authors refer specifically to such a definition functional areas, so this concept in this context, the most acceptable. Furthermore, the use of the terms 'place' or 'land' is hardly more successful. Not any, even the best planned and built apartments can be called a full house. It must equip reasonably plan living area, to create comfort and coziness. Such a problem can be solved only by taking into account the functional areas in a house, apartment, rational division of them, if necessary, and combine whenever possible.
Posted on July 4, 2011 in News
In the modern construction of stainless steel deservedly popular. This material has excellent technical and operational characteristics, easy handling and easy to care. Polished stainless steel is indispensable in interior architecture in a futuristic style. Combination of metallic gloss with the transparency of glass and the original texture of modern building materials to create a room in an atmosphere that reflects the energy and dynamic century of high technologies. Accessories Hi-Tech Wall hi-tech style is recommended to cover light colors, giving up wallpaper, and leave them without any decorations. If the bare walls seem acceptable, they can be revived: hung large modern copyright black-and-white photographs in light metal frames or paintings with abstract images, graphics, or avant-garde paintings. Frames should be combined with the frames on mirrors and other interior details. Of aluminum produced exclusively narrow without a pattern.
Design of the baguette is not rich, but the choice of colors, shapes and cover great for all tastes. Furniture, fabrics, dishes should also be be smooth and shiny. Shine as it increases the space and adds a light, creates a sense of sterility. This is quite contribute and mirrors. Instead of the standard curtains and curtains better hide from the sun by plastic or metal blinds.
Well enliven the interior in the style of hi-tech large impressive aquarium with exotic inhabitants. Lighting hi-tech It is true chosen lighting is one of the most important moments in the interior design style hi-tech. Mounted in the ceiling, walls and even flooring light sources, create the effect of a spacious, well-lit room.
Posted on July 1, 2011 in News
Whoever we are and whatever did, the most important and significant part of our life takes place at home where you can relax and be alone with your family and friends. It is in the walls of his home a man becomes himself and of course, that every endeavor to create a home design environment that best reflects the inner 'I' in harmony with the nature of the host, allows maximum relax and feel as if under protection of their secure fortress. It is impossible to imagine filling an apartment or house contrary views and characters living in them. According to the observations of psychologists interior design has a very strong influence on mood and mental state of a man can have both a calming and stimulating effect on the nervous system. With the present pace of life and a constant stressful environment surrounding us all, it is very important best possible use of those moments of rest in the home atmosphere, have become a source of strength for a new day, it is vital to create the right interior design. It follows one of the most important Rules for interior design: never attempt to accurately recreate in their own thing, seen from friends, television, the exhibition, etc. Even the two are absolutely identical in layout of residential space, located for example one in the apartment building and another in a country cottage, by definition, can not have the same design.
And this is just an extreme example, because each room has its own unique character based on many factors: the original architecture, natural light, view from a window and a dozen seemingly minor details that ultimately determine the order and style of the home. That's why what fascinated you in one environment will look very different in your interior, and will cause quite different emotions, we can take a maximum of the basic idea of the design you like and try to adapt it to existing requirements, but still the ideal result can be achieved only by creating something new. And if you decide to create around himself truly comfortable surroundings, try to discard all previously seen, clear your mind and send imagination at giving the house only and exclusively for your character. This is the great art of creating not just 'living environment', but the place of spiritual repose. There are plenty of directions and style decorating rooms on the market there is simply unimaginable variety of interior and in all this diversity unprepared person very easy to get lost, becoming a hostage of apparent grandeur. Since ancient times there was a whole profession, even the most peculiar line of art – the development of interior design. It is such a specialist is best to entrust the design of interior design Your home. A professional designer should have extensive knowledge in the most modern fashion trends and styles, to understand the different sides of the design space – from materials to design of floors and drapes windows have a view of human psychology, but the most important and significant figure – it's experience, quality and quantity of completed projects.