Posted on March 1, 2019 in News
Repair kvartirynovostroyki is one of the most spectacular and expensive activities associated with repair of the finished apartment, and absolutely does not matter where is your residential real estate or an apartment in new buildings Moscow and Moscow region a new or remote region. In any case, construction workers in order to reduce the cost of construction and maximize profits like sin, and as a result of the buyer gets an apartment renovation in which takes the lion's share of time and a lot of money, sometimes not bringing that self-gratification, which is supposed to be in this process. And feedback from a huge hassle, now and in the future, when a couple of years new building will shrink, bringing tears wallpaper and cracks in the walls. So the simple repairs that you planned to do, turns into a global construction services since finishing room builders, or not done, or done out of the hands is bad. This naturally does not mean that we should refuse to purchase new buildings, because it has many other advantages, but you need to decide in what form you want to get it. If originally planned global repair, you should not worry about roughing and finishing..
Posted on September 2, 2018 in News
Between July and September rental department of the City Center real estate transactions (branch "Ladoga" GC "Ecotone") recorded increased activity of clients seeking legal services in the market rental apartments St. Petersburg. During this period, the proportion wishing to rent one-bedroom apartment was 49.6%, two-bedroom apartment – 23.4%, three-room flat – 7.6% -19.3% room. The average demand for one-bedroom apartment in St. Petersburg amounted to $ 16 240 rub., two-bedroom apartments for 20 640 rubles., three-room apartments for 24 240 rubles., room – 9000 rubles. Peak activity in the market rental apartments fell in August, when the number applied to nearly 40% of the total number of clients applied during the quarter, in July and September activity was slightly lower at around 30% in each month. The most popular were Frunze, Central and Maritime Areas of St.
Petersburg, the proportion wishing to rent an apartment in these areas amounted to nearly 35% of the total number who applied. Least of all had hits for Krasnosel'skii the Petrograd and Vasileostrovsky District, the total amount involved in the lease housing in these areas amounted to little more than 10%. Moreover, if weak demand for rental apartments in the area called Krasnoselsky underdeveloped transport accessibility, the demand in the Petrograd district and Vasileostrovskiy influenced by high prices for the suggestions. In the last month there is a systematic reduction in the number applying to the company for real estate services. The dynamics of reduction of approximately 10-15% weekly. Town Center real estate transactions – a multifunctional complex that includes the real estate agency (HA 'Ecotone' separation 'Ladoga'), notary (Lavrov, Irina L.), Bank (ACB "Lanta-Bank") and insurance company ('the Spassky Gates') and allow for the transaction to lease, purchase, sale or exchange of an apartment, cottage or luxury villa, land, land, commercial property, any difficulty in meeting all the requirements of modernity
Posted on June 29, 2017 in News
Russians have repeatedly tried to catch it, as when signing contracts for the services of local lawyers, and the sale of real estate. Originally referred to as price would be stripped of afy, in agreement with fits afoy. Therefore, immediately specify what kind of costs involved. The main costs of buying property in Hungary are as follows. This is, firstly, the payment services of a lawyer (an average of 1.2% from the price of the object).
Second, the tax on the transfer of ownership from 2 to 10%. Housing can be purchased natural rent and to extract additional revenues. But this is not the main attraction of buying property in Hungary. If Moscow real estate market by purchasing one-room apartment entrance begins with a sum of approximately 130-140 000 $, then in Budapest is 70 000 $. 2:00 to fly an airplane ticket and $ 90 you in the heart of Europe. By car, travel the whole family with costs about $ 500.
Compared with other capitals of the world such as Paris, Berlin – property prices are much lower. If we talk not only about real estate, but about the entertainment and leisure industry, the prices are compared to those cities in Budapest 2-2.2 times cheaper. If you drive off in Heviz for example, that there prices at least 4-5 times lower than in Moscow for everything from dinner with a jug of wine to a tasty variety of recreational activities such as pool or sightseeing. Yes, and the ratio "Price-quality" bears no comparison with the Moscow real estate.
Posted on June 5, 2016 in News
URALSIB announced a special promotion as part of mortgage lending. The action takes place throughout the territory, where there are branches of the Bank, except for Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad. Within This action set a lower interest rate on the mortgage, canceled one-time fee for opening a loan account. When you make a loan program mortgage loan for the purchase of housing under construction rate will be 12.5% per annum in rubles for the construction period. After registration of the borrower's ownership of the flat interest rate down to 11,5% per annum in rubles.
When you make a mortgage loan program credit for the purchase of finished housing and housing improvement interest rate will be 11.5% per annum in rubles. Terms of ongoing actions related to loans issued in Russian rubles, with the amount of the loan from 1,5 million rubles and credit period of 15 to 30 years. Special promotion will run until August 31. If you want to get a mortgage, we invite you to fill out a questionnaire. If you want to compare loans and choose the best option, we invite You have a dedicated page on mortgages
Posted on August 7, 2015 in News
First, in new convenient and comfortable common area. Large area in front of the apartments furnished safe emergency exits, elaborately mounted lifts. In the very apartments – large across hallways, kitchens and balconies. Bedrooms – close to a square shape, large, allowing to place a new, comfortable furniture. WC makes it possible to install all the necessary equipment and more feel it freely. That is, different from the minimalist 60's very well marked. It's no secret that these apartments is undoubtedly very expensive. They can afford not to everyone, but only succeeding in this life to people.
Therefore, settling into a new building, you can be almost 100% sure that the neighbors will be from wealthy families. At least, not among the needy. And will pay all utility costs along with all without creating problems for neighbors, and will not create problems, for example, your child will not teach him bad. One advantageous way to purchase housing in the new building – is to buy it at the construction stage, even unfinished house. In this case issued a mortgage contract, which states as collateral property that already belongs to you. In an unfinished housing price per square meter is lower than the finished house. Less than time left before his surrender, the higher the price of housing in it.
But if the house is being completed longer than planned, you'll have to wait until construction is complete, without being able either to move to a new apartment, or take advantage of the money invested. Your money goes, will be frozen as well as construction. This happens in cases where the building is a small company. Typically, it takes him for loans obtained from the bank. But as in the current crisis, banks do not give favors to anyone, including developers, construction firms are often small can not maintain and service the loan, which leads to failure extend it. As a result, the firm continue to build can not, and the house is unfinished. Unfortunately these homes in Vladivostok now missing. To get out of this situation, set in an environment construction firms often go on all sorts of discounts and benefits for those buyers who would invest money in frozen construction. In this case, the price per square meter becomes more attractive. Since the crisis in housing prices provide more opportunities for the middle class to improve their living conditions and to move to prestigious new developments.
Posted on May 23, 2014 in News
Therefore, if the cost of housing to be purchased is, for example, 250 thousand dollars (one bedroom apartment with an area of 61 – 62 sq.m. in the home series P44-T in Moscow), a potential borrower must already have at least 75 thousand dollars of personal savings to make them as a down payment. It is necessary to take into account the additional costs: insurance, loan processing fees, fees for registration of apartments in property, etc. – Documented the family's income (it should be remembered that the repayment of the loan may be sent to up to 50% of the total family income) – the number of years over which you can repay the loan. Step Two: choice of mortgage programs. Different banks, different ads, different proposals. How to choose his own, then to not be excruciatingly painful? Nothing but the analysis of various proposals and compare the conditions to offer possible. Take a large notepad and go to the bank (banks) to negotiate.
Carefully write down everything, nothing in the bank does not sign, and then home for tea with his wife, discussing how credit program more interesting and more profitable. The choice is usually small, but Two or three real deals will be found. Next, go to the banks selected by us again and meticulously to find out details. The main question: what else (other than interest on the loan) will have to pay? – You can learn and repeat a chorus, dealing with bankers. Step Three: Confirmation of the possibility of obtaining a mortgage loan at the bank.
Posted on April 5, 2014 in News
Apartments on ground floors are often offered as a potential opportunity to translate it into a fund and non-residential use as an office or shop. How to approach this issue from the perspective of marketing planning. Does any flat on the first floor is suitable for use on commercial real estate? We consider this issue as an example of real estate in Kharkov. For most commercial uses of 2, 3 BR. Apartments with an area of 50 m2. In such facilities may be located offices (as intended for a large number of visitors, and "quiet"), shops, business services (hairdressers, dry cleaners, etc.). To measure the compliance of the object commercial real estate measure of passenger traffic (the number of people passing by the property a day), the level of proximity to major transportation hubs. Also highlight the level of business activity region (the presence of administrative, office buildings, commercial properties, etc.).
Assess the level of urban migration (migration is low when sleeping area, and by the property are held every day residents of one district, high in the center – when past the property may be held with people across the city, visitors). For commercial real estate offices for client the most important factor is the proximity to the center (Where highest level of business activity). For "quiet" offices, which do not involve a large number of visitors per day, the main factor is accessibility. However, the district must have a high level business activity. (Areas near Metro stations, "Zhukova," "Moskovsky Prospect," "them.
Maselskogo A.", "Ak.Pavlova", "Student", "23 August", "Botanical Garden", "Square uprising") . Also, if a company's activity associated with the production or brokering office may be located in the industrial area. Here the main factor is the proximity of a large warehouse or manufacturing, proximity to the subway is minor factor, but it should be easy automobile access. For commercial real estate and facilities services. Convenience stores high-price group, clothing stores, luxury goods, are located in the center, where home to a large number of people with high incomes, as well as the day goes a lot of people, and high levels of urban migration. For non-food stores, clothing stores, hairdressers who are not located in the center, close to metro factor or to the central commercial facility is of prime importance.
Posted on January 12, 2014 in News
There is no doubt that now the real estate market is the increased interest as the representatives of various companies and organizations, and ordinary citizens. Indeed, virtually every person periodically required either to sell the cottage, or rent a home for a certain period, or take industrial space for rent … In modern conditions it is common practice for treatment services specialized real estate agencies. That is absolutely correct, given the fact that the real estate market today is extremely diverse, it presents a thousand kinds of objects, so it is hard to choose from this variety are precisely the sentences that are suitable for you. Any real estate forms an extensive database, which reflects all relevant today Real estate offers a specific region. For example, you are in Moscow, and for the further development of business you are interested in the Republic of Tuva: companies and organizations for real estate in this region will be you indispensable helpers in the event that you need to buy or rent office space, purchase land for the construction and so on. Another significant advantage of specialized real-estate firms – is that employees of these organizations take on the inspection of documents the seller or lessor, as well as assistance in formalizing the deal. This service is simply irreplaceable in that situation, if you do not have the required knowledge in law or are not able to independently verify the documents. For example, you are living in Sebastopol, but you need to purchase land, the location of which would be the Dmitrov district (Moscow region) companies and organizations for real estate Dmitrov district may conduct a preliminary search for you in according to your requirements. With this you get an opportunity not to go back and forth every time you see a tempting offer, and come only once for the contract of sale of the site. Here Another example: you need to rent an apartment because you are going into a lengthy trip to Taldom District (Moscow region) companies and organizations for real estate and in this case is ready to come to you to assistance.
Posted on December 10, 2011 in News
I just want to tell you how I came to real estate as a realtor with what ran and what made … REAL ESTATE … Fantastic profits! A great success! I'm always amazed and excited this topic! Its size and power, and invest the profits! Thinking about the property, could not help getting up in front of the infamous, but at the same time very rich American estate-mogul Donald Trump. This is the height! That's momentum! Experts in the field of real estate has long been proven that the one who turns in this area, there will always be in the money. But, having read the same Trump, Hopkins and others like them, I've always wondered: That would be me so! But how to achieve such heights? How can integrate into this stream …? By profession I am mechanic 4 bits, finished vocational school in Pavlograd (Dnepropetrovsk region). Where I just did not work? But in a few places I lingered over a year.
I have a hobby, precisely one of the "hobby": I love to read. And since the topic of money I was always worried, all of these I've read far and wide. And, as is normal in this situation, simply head in the clouds. I do not feed grain, Give only to talk about big money. Rental and sales of apartments of course, I heard a long time and many, mostly negative experiences. A man like me, dreaming of big money coming into real estate, fill out the form and passed cheap shaky training. And as a result, hardly anyone was detained there for over 2 months! (This is the stats!) And once he got into these wilds. After working a couple of months as a realtor, had fled from there.
All my plans and dreams and dreams dashed, like a house of cards! Zarekshis never going to come back and crossed himself three times, and returned "on their bread." But the thought of returning to real estate I have not left ever! A year later, nothing for pains, again weighing all "For" and "against" (also three times crossed), I went into real estate. At this time I was lucky: I was teaching experienced mentor. He put the soul in me! Education was given to me easily. Already in the first month I earned my first $ 650 …. Then I realized one simple truth: it turns out, my success in this area depends on my coach, his experience and ability available to transfer their knowledge! Since then, it took only 2 years. I now earn a stable more than $ 1,000 a month. And recently I got the idea simply to share their experiences. I wrote a book (e) and posted it on the web. This book is a kind of a detailed report of what to do, how called, how to conduct screenings and apartment deals. There's nothing I come up with and did not even use the experience of their colleagues. Just what he did for yourself! And you can learn how to actually make money for rent, download the book online:
Posted on November 26, 2011 in News
Kiev. Downtown. Long-term historical buildings, whose walls are remembered each and everyone who lived there, been there, sad and happy, loved and hated, and lived happily or not. Apartments in these buildings have absorbed the spirit of all of the time that they're there, people, events, situations. Renting an apartment in the city center you may sign themselves in exciting adventures.
Do not worry and do not worry, I'm not going to tell you horror stories on the type of "Curse" or "Thirteen ghosts," I will tell you absolutely lovely and romantic story of life, mine and my friends. Apartments for rent in the city center is usually the day, which is very convenient for foreigners visiting at work who do not know how long their visit will be delayed. So just had a guy my friend Eli. He then traveled for a week, then a month, and they began living together. Rent an apartment for a long time made no sense as no one did not know when he will return. Once his arrival there was a story that, to this day shrouded in mystery. The guy was kind, loving and caring, but, unfortunately, sometimes maniacally jealous. At the slightest hint of that someone overly interested in the El, he began to get frustrated and develop their imagination to unimaginable proportions. Every strange call, being a male gaze in the direction of the girl aroused in him a certain status panic, and no, it did not suit the scandals and squabbles, he obviously just a bad mood.