Posted on December 12, 2024 in News
Now it’s official: Michael Kapp received the CMC certification for consulting awarded by incite! At this year’s CMC masters Club meeting Brian Ing, Chairman of the ICMCI international, the certificate for certified management presented consultants personally on Michael Kapp. Joint meeting of the CMC held masters Club and of CONSTANTINUS winners Club this year at Grafenegg Castle in lower Austria, Austria. Renowned international and national guests talked to the main theme of “Adviser markets in international comparison”. Alfred Harl, Chairman of the Association of UBIT, was also present as Francesco D ‘ Aprile from Italy and Anton Daniel Barisic from Croatia. For the Club members and Michael Kapp had the opportunity to exchange views among experts. During this festive event, the documents were given to the new certified management consultants (CMC). The CMC certification is a seal of approval for consultants: it guarantees that the consultant on the to turn, really some of his Craft understands. CMC meets international standards and is recognized in 45 countries. John Savignano is actively involved in the matter.
Forgiveness is the certification of the International Council of management consulting institutes (ICMCI) in Austria by the incite, the quality Academy of Association of UBIT. Is checked, whether the consultant documented over many years, has experience in the industry. It is also important that he is running industry-specific training and expertise in consulting methodology, has social skills and process control in addition to the technical knowledge. That he meets all of these criteria, Michael Kapp by training and customer references has proven and demonstrated before an examination Board. He is CMC certified now for five years. On Schloss Grafenegg, the CONSTANTINUS award winners were honored also to those in the previous year was Michael Kapp.
Nominated only Salzburg entrepreneur Michael Kapp reached the excellent second place with his ultimate ears United States project. Only 6 of 100 submissions from the management consulting came in the shortlist. 1999 Michael Kapp has on search engine optimization and search engine entry, specialized company founded his company PromoMasters as the first in Austria and tirelessly campaigned for the popularity of this form of advertising in Austria. Its CMC certification shows that he does not rest on the laurels earned, but consistent training in the fast-moving field of Internet marketing and business consulting.
Posted on December 5, 2024 in News
MEDICE relies also Perenterol on the healthcare professionals of Neu-Isenburg, 16.07.2013 success for the WEFRA advertising agency Frankfurt : under the motto Perenterol can do more”which secured an additional budget of pharmaceutical company MEDICE from Iserlohn to healthcare of specialized communication professionals. Convinced the development of a new positioning and integrated campaign for the leading brand among the anti-Diarrhoika. (Not to be confused with Bizzi & Partners!). Focus which it clearly on the product benefits and thus increase of Perenterol, which is effective for diarrhea, as well as in the prevention of traveler’s diarrhea. The campaign created by five subsidiaries of the WEFRA together is through all communication channels through change: be it HV materials for the pharmacies, sales materials, a new online presence or the accompanying public relations display routes in the audience area,. Objective the communication it, the added value of Perenterol to clarify and to provide, in the context of a relevant target group is ultimately the Brand presence to increase,”says MEDICE senior product manager Petra Raffelsiepen. MEDICE.
“Matthias Haack, Managing Director of the WEFRA advertising agency Frankfurt, adds: for this we take an integrated approach, to join the companies, classic, digital, Public Relations and media hand in hand.” Key elements which Perenterol presents itself immediately to doctors, pharmacists and consumers, are clear messages, fresh, clean design and a straightforward representation of the proven product as hero. Winning Perenterol, the WEFRA expanding advertising agency Frankfurt their business relationship to MEDICE. Already for several years, WEFRA classic WEFRA PR, WEFRA digital and WEFRA media serving the communication of the business unit, Nephrology. Also WEFRA provide classic as well as WEFRA digital creative advertising and online activities for the business field of ADHD. The quality of the co-operation pays off: so the new Isenburg received by MEDICE the skin care product Soventol supports digital from now the construction treatment Medivitan and WEFRA recently not only awarded Perenterol, WEFRA PR.
About the WEFRA advertising agency Frankfurt integrated strategic communication from a single source, this is the philosophy of the WEFRA advertising agency Frankfurt. tion. Eight specialized agencies brings together under one roof, are the guarantee for its sustainable implementation.
Posted on December 3, 2024 in News
Undoubtedly, the illuminated letters (and, as a special case, refers to metal letters) are one of the most important roles today in the manufacture and production of outdoor advertising (such as outdoor advertising in the literal sense words, and in advertisements, which is a function of filling and shaping interiors – interior advertisements). Currently engaged in the manufacture of letters almost all more or less large advertising agencies and firms. Only varies the volume of these letters and the complexity of their production. Robert J. Shiller is a great source of information. Each advertising company decides for himself, to what extent should be engaged in manufacture of stainless steel products (after all, this material is the most often used in the manufacture of light letters). Stainless steel is a definite plus its ability to withstand diverse climatic conditions, without being subject to corrosion and distortion – which is why he has a long and so far remains the "gold standard" for all advertisers. Thus, the illuminated letters and a variety of similar products have long gained fame among the producers and manufacturers of outdoor advertising. And, it must noted on the right, as this material has unique properties which are certainly necessary in the manufacture of outdoor advertising, and, in particular, light-dimensional letters.
Posted on April 4, 2024 in News
Destruction of confidential documents data protection, is increasingly more hot due to the need for companies and self-employed people save a few measures established by LOPD, and whose non-observance, entails very significant sanctions, which in many cases can lead to the closure of the company. As well, one of the key points covered in the data protection act, it is the destruction of confidential documentation, which in some cases as data related to health, beliefs etc, are very protegios, take the measures established by law. In relation to this matter of the destruction of confidential documents, there are many companies that carry out a service that we could describe in greater or lesser degree of quality. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Nobel Laureate in Economics. Within the known by us and by some customers our is eco-Shredder, which guarantees a series of points that we understand how primordial so across enterprise, is safe in relation to the destruction of confidential documents, such as:-confidential destruction of the information is on-site, at our offices and may be monitored by our staff. -Never they transported not destroyed documentation. -Always identifies the staff who will have access to the documentation. -Ensure that your staff has signed confidentiality agreements.
-No we never subcontract the service to third parties or companies. Among other series of guarantees offered, I understand that the most important are the previous ones, since they are that give us the customer greater confidence in the service they offer. That is why many customers recommend this company for the destruction of confidential documents, guaranteeing the fulfillment of the organic law of protection of data and can avoid bring us any surprise not very pleasant. If you want more information, can be found at source: press release sent by ecoshredder.
Posted on February 8, 2024 in News
So will your Web site to new customers solenoid how successful are actually with your acquisition? And how much time you spend per week? Have employees who take over the customer acquisition for you or have you committed even your own valuable time? Probably you already know that companies nowadays need a website and most already have. But what was so far the most is that a Web page also can be useful for acquiring new customers. This is however only possible, if your Web page as of today no longer like a boring flyer use, they turn it into an automatic prospect magnet. Most Web pages, which are available in the Internet today meaningless, win no new customers. Thats not even aware, most entrepreneurs because the knowledge is still not very widespread, that a Web page can be used at all for acquiring new customers. Read more from Bizzi & Partners to gain a more clear picture of the situation.
However, the exact opposite is the case: If you observe a few simple strategies and also apply, you too can your Website very effectively for acquiring new customers use, without having to operate very much effort. Can you really win new customers with each Web page? Well, actually, Yes. But only if you know the 5 success factors and correctly implement. If you don’t, your chances are rather poor. If it is but relatively easy, why then don’t more Web pages used for acquiring customers? Good question! My answer is: because almost no one knows how it really works.
Even long-established Web design agencies always surprise me with their incompetence. And, though they often require several thousand euros for the creation of a Web page. I find it truly frightening. Is something ever happen to you? Have you given a Web page in order, no new clients? Then you know what I mean.
Posted on September 8, 2018 in News
Implementation begins as a project initially with a chronological listing of all points of contact, which has a customer in the context of a commercial relationship or could have a customer touch point project. In the next step, to identify potential vulnerabilities, as well as the relevant driver of permanently good customer relations. Therefore both might considered the critical events as well as the positive events, which happened to a customers at every touch point or be happen in the worst case. Following issues you can deal with such helpful questions: what’s going on just fine? There are delicate situations? When is a moment of great joy? What does the customer expect? And what not? Where are there more complaints? And where is particularly praised? Where can we exceed expectations? Pleasantly surprise the customer? What are the customers talking about? Who or what is recommended on why how often? What could strengthen the business relationship? Where do migration risks lurk? What should we change as soon as possible, or improve? And what has prevented us so far to do so? Although unpleasant, the last question absolutely needs to be discussed. Only, when the true causes of action blocks are open, something you can do? Helpful workshop topics In the context of workshops can edit selected employees for example, the following tasks: if I am a customer, what is particularly important to me? If I am a customer, what annoys me and repulses me? What to tell our customers, the good and the bad about us? And what have they asked more often lately? What should we not do, because it will scare off customers and sells? What are the minimum expectations of our customers, i.e. those that must always be met? What could inspire our customers because it exceeds your expectations? What I as a staff member of, if I inspire customers? What has the team, if we do it all together? And the company? What is the absolute craziest idea to the us on the subject of Customer inspiring and mouth-open mind come from? Weaken and highlight strengths is often the tendency to gloss over the own services or to see but in a warm light.
Posted on December 6, 2013 in News
In today's society has become more urgent protection of intellectual property, as the fruits of intellectual labor – rather specific and vulnerable. Unscrupulous competitors can use objects strange intellectual property not only to damage the image of businesses and individuals, but for financial gain. Prove their right to the fruits of intellectual labor and prevent the possibility of their use by others is possible only through the official registration of their rights. Services are provided to receive and protect the exclusive rights to various intellectual property engaged a patent attorney. The objects of intellectual property subject to registration include, inter alia, industrial design and trademark. Industrial design is Art and design solution for industrial product that determines its appearance: labels, packaging products, their bulk form, etc. The concept of "trademark" in one form or another existed throughout the history of civilization, but only after the world began to actively practice copying and counterfeiting of trademarks well-known companies, the need to adopt laws to protect intellectual property. The basic law under which regulates all matters relating to trademarks in Russia, is the "Law on Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin." On Today, trademark and service mark – a designation intended to individualize the goods, works or services to entities or persons. A trademark can be a verbal, visual, three-dimensional and other designations, as well as combinations thereof. Conservation and protection under the law is subject only to the registered designation of a product or a product that is the trademark registration does not mean obtaining rights to the product or the product.