Posted on December 9, 2024 in News
Party animal against animal maltratato does not have high hopes that their request be carried out. They believe that this celebration is a torture, by what you are looking for, especially, that the animal is not injured. The Junta de Castilla y Leon is the last word you would to ban or not the Toro de la Vega. For assistance, try visiting Robert Speyer. The Animalist Partido Contra el Maltrato Animal (Pacma) has stated that they meet with the territorial delegate of the Board in Valladolid, Pablo Trillo-Figueroa, to ask for the deletion of the tournament of the Toro de la Vega, which will be held next Tuesday, September 13, in Tordesillas. According to the statements of one of its representatives during the course of the anti-Bullfight manifestation of this Sunday in the capital, moved this request to the regional government, which is who has the last word on this celebration, although she added that they will do so without much hope. In this way, between some small discussion of persecuted with bullfighting, about 400 people have been stated, according to sources of the national police, from the Plaza of Spain, which have come to 13.00 hours, by calle Duque de la Victoria until source Dorada, where finished an hour later the concentration and location that has read a manifesto which have called for the abolition of the Toro de la Vega, who consider it torture. In particular, seek to prohibit the animal is wounded, for which a collection of signatures has organised and have represented symbolically breaking a lance to the cry of breaks a lance! in favor of animal rights and, in particular, afflicted, the bull selected for this year’s tournament.
Among the protesters of all ages but young majority way, had them dressed in green t-shirts that was silk-screened drawing used for the tournament tordesillano Spears and others with different banners that you could read Tordesillas: blood, torture and death, Animal dignity, breaks a lance for the Bull of the Vega, abolition, just slavery, among others. In this way, the manifestation of Valladolid has not been produced only this Sunday in the province, because in Tordesillas has also developed another at 1100 hours, in the place where will be held the celebration of bullfighting, the Foncastin Canada. Protests that have been the advance payment which will be held in Madrid next Tuesday, at 17.00 hours, in the Plaza de Callao. Source of the news: Pacma will meet with the Board of Castile-Leon to ask for the abolition of the Toro de la vega
Posted on February 9, 2024 in News
/ It wanted the press to be in his testimony to create media coverage. He says that he wanted to punish social democracy by importing Muslim. It will remain four weeks in complete isolation and at least other four more in custody, as ruled the judge. James king spoke with conviction. He used bullets were prohibited in the wars Thus he prepared the bombings. He collected in a manifest their ideas and motives to commit crimes. Norway lives astonished the national tragedy of a double bomb attack with 76 dead. The investigating judge of the case by the double attack in Norway (in which 76 people died, according to the figure updated this Monday by the Norwegian police) assured that the accused, Anders Behring Breivik, has acknowledged having placed the car bomb in Oslo and have shot at young people from the neighboring Utoya Island, although you don’t feel guilty.
Behring, of 32 years, will remain four weeks in complete isolation (without receiving letters, visits, or grant interviews), until August 22, and at least another four weeks more on remand until the 26th of September. The Prosecutor has the option, however, apply for the extension of this period of pre-trial detention to continue with the investigation, said the spokesman from the Oslo District Court. An excerpt from the Declaration of judge on the case l indicates that the defendant is suspected of having committed an offence which will involve a penalty of more than six months in jail. In addition, according to the judge, the confession of the accused is supported by evidence. The judge considered that these measures do not are disproportionate, given the crimes that accuse him and vanishing and risks losing evidence. This weekend, a Norwegian Police spokesman claimed that Anders Behring maximum sentence would reach 21 years of age. The detainee said (before the Court) that he needed to carry out these attacks to save Norway and Western Europe of Muslims and of cultural Marxism, said a spokesman for the Oslo District Court in an appearance before the media after the appearance of the detained person before the investigating judge.
Posted on November 2, 2013 in News
It is the certification – he added – that the most governing today is different from that won the 2008 elections. But this new majority has been defeated in municipal elections, he is in a minority in the country () to this (parliamentary) checking, Berlusconi’s Government has to present itself as outgoing. The j of the PD Group launched a direct message to major partners of Government of Berlusconi, the Northern League (LN) of Umberto Bossi, for whom the loss of Mayor of his fief, Milan, by the candidate of the Party of the Prime Minister, Letizia Moratti, has meant an important drubbing. The center-left has been an extraordinary victory in all Italy, the center-right has had a tragic defeat. Dear friends of the League, we now govern in Milan, Turin, Arcore, Novara, Trieste, Bologna, Gallarate, Venice in short, in all the cities of the North, Franceschini said. For its part, the general Secretary of the PD, Pierluigi Bersani, was confident in an interview to Repubblica Tv that they are close to becoming the first party in the country and said that Italy can not turn around the problems of Berlusconi, to continued uncertainty of whether stays or not in the Government.
22 to 9 the results of municipal elections, whose first round was held on 15 and 16 may, left a balance of 22-9 in the capital of province in favor of the center-left mayors, with significant losses as Naples (South), the third city in the country that Berlusconi intended to remove the progressives. The question now is how will face Prime Minister but, above all, the Northern League, the loss of confidence in their northern strongholds and if this can open a crisis between Berlusconi and Bossi causing the fall of the Executive. Asked by reporters in the lower House, Bossi refused Tuesday make a statement on the municipal elections and its related newspaper, La Padania, asserted that the elections represent a strong and clear message from the people and that it burns the defeat in Milan and Novara. In the morning, Berlusconi, who already ruled out on Monday the possibility of a resignation, again show ironic with the election results during his official trip to Bucharest. I’ve held a meeting: I wanted to fix the date of my funeral, but I have too many commitments in the next few days and, then, we will save it for later, the Prime Minister told reporters at a hotel in the Romanian capital before returning to Rome, where finally meet the leadership of his party this Wednesday. Source of the news: Berlusconi will measure this month its parliamentary support between demands of resignation in Italy
Posted on October 13, 2013 in News
Of the seven most industrialized countries in the world total gross domestic product rose one tenth fewer than in the previous quarter. The euro zone has been the most punished by the figures. United States improves its results. The economy of the more developed countries slowed its growth in the second quarter of the year, when the gross domestic product (GDP) rose one-tenth percent less than in the previous, up 0.2 per cent, as reported on Monday the Organization for cooperation and economic development (OECD). The published data represent the fourth consecutive quarter of slower economic growth in the 34 countries that comprise this club, said the OECD in a statement. The economy of the seven most industrialized countries registered a stagnation, with a 0.2% rise compared to the first quarter, which had had the same increase. By annual comparison, growth in the OECD countries was 1.6%, compared to 2.4% in the first three months of 2011. The euro zone, the most affected the growth slowdown was more pronounced in the euro area than in the United States, where the economy improved their data with respect to the previous quarter.
A few days ago, the statistical office Eurostat announced a slowdown in the economy of the countries of the European Union and the euro zone. The big surprise of the publication of these results was the marked slowdown of the German economy, considered the locomotive of Europe. In the European Union, GDP increased by 0.2% after having progressed by 0.8% in the first three months. Starred in the greater slowdown Germany, where the economy went from grow by 1.3% in the first quarter to 0.1% of the second. France, the second largest European economy, stalled between April and June after having progressed by 0.9% in the first, while United Kingdom went from 0.5% in the first quarter to 0.2%.
The Italian economy, whose GDP grew by 0.3% in the second quarter, He improved with two percentage tenths more than the first. United States improving the eLa economy accelerated in United States, although the OECD warned that it was because of a major review downward its figures in the first quarter. American GDP grew by 0.3% in the second quarter, after having risen in the first 0.1% and not 0.5% announced last June. The Japanese economy was the only one of the seven largest in the world that fell in the second quarter, although the fall went from being 0.9% between January and March to 0.3% between April and June. Source of the news: the OECD confirms the economic slowdown of the richest countries
Posted on October 7, 2013 in News
There is duels that by his time, liturgy and magnitude dimension to the minor tournaments, have life by themselves, because from the point of view of the applicant is at stake the hierarchy of football while serve the champion to underline in workdays of the preseason the Authority gained in solemn dates of last year. The last example would be the Spanish Supercup which Barca won him to Madrid. And on the other hand give confrontations whose greatness comes underlined, particularly by the mark of the competition, as the European Supercup, which faces to the holder of the Champions of the Europa League. The latest edition, as it usual Louis II of Monaco is celebrated at the stadium, disputed it today the own Barcelona and Porto, seeded for the next Champions League, circumstance that increases the range and prestige of the party. Source of the news:: the best defense is a good offense
Posted on September 18, 2013 in News
In this regard, requested the collaboration of the political groups in European, national and autonomic, parliaments and has reminded that food crises were never used for political confrontation. We have acted quickly to crisis management, Aguilar has stressed that the Government has acted with speed, clarity and forcefulness to demand an answer from the EU and for dnder compensation for the damage caused, and that it has planted face to Germany. In your opinion, should now work together to maximise aid and advance promotional campaigns held in time, some of which have already begun, according to the time of entry into production of different fruit and vegetables. For its part, the spokesman of Agriculture of the Popular parliamentary group (SPG), Jose Ignacio Llorens, has insisted in that the appearance of Aguilar comes a month after the start of the alert and that the Government has reacted late and poorly to the crisis, although it provided despite all the negotiating support of the PP. Llorens has called for the Executive to ask Brussels to compensate 100 percent of damages to the producers of all fruit and vegetables affected by the loss of markets and the fall in prices, which reaches even to the courts if necessary and requiring the use for this purpose of the different budgetary remnants of the EU. For his part, the spokesman of Agriculture of the Socialist parliamentary group (GPS) in Congress, Alejandro Alonso, has urged PP to achieve a consensus document in the lower House that serves as support to the Government against the EU and also to support a sector that is suffering and deserve compensation. Source of the news: Spain does not rule out legal means to claim compensation for the crisis of e. coli