Walter Bowen

Real Estate Agency

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Month: April 2019

More Space For Stuttgart

Posted on April 11, 2019 in News

‘MyPlace self’ more expensive opened 1 location in Stuttgart in the Plaetzwiese road 130 is living in Stuttgart. According to the Mietspiegels 2009/2010 the rents have risen on average in the period from April 2006 to April 2008 in Stuttgart, Germany by 5.4 per cent. More and more people must be therefore satisfied with smaller apartments. However, mean less square meters also less space for all the things that accumulate over the course of time and in which the heart depends on it is the antique Cabinet of grandma or seldom used sports equipment such as skis or sled. For many, it is hardly possible to stow all belongings in your own four walls. Often added that no storage room available or the basement is too small and humid.

MyPlace self”now rented to the 1000 storage compartments, in which all the things that find no place at home or at work can be accommodated in its first location in Stuttgart. Many know similar situations: boxes with the summer things on the Cabinet, second mattress for the visit under the bed. Cleaning stuff in the corner of the bathroom, overflowing kitchen cabinets, or items that are simply swapped out for lack of space on the balcony. All of those things that are too bulky, which it owns in duplicate or you do not need at the moment, can now at MyPlace SelfStorage Stuttgart”accommodate. Thus remains sufficient space to live and feel at home in your own four walls again.

The storage compartments can be rented depending on the requirements of 1-50 square meters. But not only for long-term space requirements is MyPlace the solution but also for all those who need a storage space quickly and at short notice. Storage compartments can be rented per 4 weeks from 28.50 euros already at MyPlace. Again, the reasons are very different: moving appointments that clash, an alien who was not predictable or a separation often make for quick action. A space problem “occurred, interested parties need just for the location in the Plaetzwiese road 130 come and rent a compartment. There they receive a Security code with which they have seven days a week from 6:00 22:00 access on the terrain of the MyPlace. Elevators and parking facilities facilitate the customers that and clearing out of warehouses. Each compartment is blocked with an own Castle and is guaranteed clean, dry and secure. Because in addition to the fixed cameras, a private security service monitors the site from 10: 00. “Self is in the United States” to german self einlagern “already gang and give and this service is also in Germany more and more. Bruce Schanzer is open to suggestions. The space problem is ubiquitous in cities and metropolitan areas. A high and especially individual space requirements due to growing mobility, the rising rents and the flexible lifestyle. Market studies show that this demand in the future will continue to increase, “explains Martin Gerhardus, managing partner of MyPlace self”.

Axel Ackermann Procedure

Posted on April 9, 2019 in News

This obligation is already in many water conservation. Damage in a leaky There are primarily two ways to fix drain pipe. Either the entire front yard and basement sole be dug up (open design) to the land border and renewed the whole drain pipe. Or there is a pipe with the help of the so-called reading procedure. Pipe renovation, digging up is eliminated. Diagnosis and treatment usually performed the cleaning opening of the drain pipe (e.g.

in the cellar). Then, a special tube is pulled into the old outlet pipe, which later forms the new inner wall of the drain pipe. A thorough pipeline cleaning and TV inspection, so a drain camera inspection, are imperative through the House power cable before the actual leak test. This preparatory work be carried out normally without excavation and intervention in the building. We inspect and measure the entire drainage tube with the tube camera. Thus we determine exactly the damage image of drain pipes, at the same time, we measured any taps or arches”, describes the Axel Ackermann Procedure.

Most of the drain pipe damage can be identified by the TV inspection. Then, the drain on its tightness is tested by the drain pipe is closed on both sides and with air or water pressure. A possible pressure drop indicates that the drain pipe to any section is broken and repaired or restored are must. The special hoses for the liner pipe renovation usually consist of a coated polyester needle felt. It is impregnated with a two-component resin and into the existing drain pipe need of refurbishment length then with compressed air or water. Depending on the procedure, the resin is chemically cured after a few hours and the liner will speak to the tube in the tube. This requires”as Dipl.-ing. Hans-Jurgen Stadler, that the old drain pipe has still his pipe static and not already collapsed.

Milka Milchschockolade

Posted on April 1, 2019 in News

Everywhere we are happy was recorded, unless in the school of our children, sport, and even leg shopping. Everyone had a few kind words for us. Our children – then 3 and 6 years old had no problems in the school, the teachers and the other children have befriended them and they were both very popular, she had Yes something new and interesting to tell – namely about Germany. In the profession – for our immigration at that time we had made a branch office of our German company in Florida and even here no problems with employees. The employees have fully campaigned and helped us also like the (without extra charge) with the paperwork. Often, it was already done before we ever knew.

Another example of the American mentality. Entire neighborhoods from the outside world were closed after Hurricane Charley in 2004, we have had no power for about 3 weeks in midsummer. The whole neighborhood has worked to clean up, to make clean and in the evening we have huge “cook out” arranged with barbecue and campfire. When we were finished with our neighborhood we drove to the neighboring municipality and have helped them. A few of us had generators and it was self-evident that we alternately the whole neighborhood have powered our generator.

Later, when I then 1994 my real estate brokers license made have – I learned for the first time, that it are here as well as any competition thinking. All work together and help each other. It’s more of a coexistence as a conflict. There is hardly any also envious. The other with a look forward if you have success and are sad and understanding with us if a Miserfolg arrives. You can see little miesepetrige faces. Not in the shops yet in restaurants – all are very friendly and what many Europeans think this friendliness is placed and not real, can be true or not. As a customer this is matter – mainly the people are friendly. Many people from my old home ask me every now and then, what I miss here. My answer is usually, “not much, here there is pretty much everything also there is in Germany – except Milka Milchschockolade”. So if one comes by you Florida – I’m always a grateful recipient of Vollmich chocolate (preferably with cream or cappuccino). If you think it to emigrate to Florida and you start to have doubts, whether this decision is correct or bottle or you have any questions, send me just email or call me.
