Walter Bowen

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Month: November 2018

Completely Free?

Posted on November 26, 2018 in News

We live mainly taking care of to the expectations of the others. Not to be considered egoistic, taxed creatures of irresponsible, black sheep or E.T.s, we accept that we must inserting in them in standards established by third. When children it is important to take care of to the expectations of the parents, of the family. Older, we submit it the demands of the society, of the world to our redor. Which is the time of living for itself, for itself? When its life was essentially its? It seems to have belonged to many had folloied that it Already was its one day? We have many obligations, ' ' devemos' ' many satisfactions, gratitude! ' ' Detalhes' ' they make with that our existences are not accurately of private property to be that, with the much conscience and courage, let us dare to defy some preset concepts and to cry out for our proper limits, not alando flight. Freedom if conquest! It is relatively easy to be independent. It is not so simple to be free! We sketch some attempts to long of the time, in different periods of training of maturation, but we only start to be we ourselves, really, when we pass not to impersonate the other people’s projects and its lacks.

For this she is not necessary to move away themselves from the others, but to come close itself more than: to look at for inside, to know themselves better. We start to live for, for us, when we perceive that somebody in our interior must have life, when we hear our hearts and we assume our souls. There, then, we are almost entire and we understand that in donating we grow more. He is what in the complete one!


Florida States

Posted on November 25, 2018 in News

Notes for house purchase by foreigners in the United States there many different information about the possibility of a home purchase in the United States by foreigners. A few are simply untrue, a few are true. My comments relate only to foreigners without a green card/Visa who wish to purchase a home in the United States. Here in brief: any foreigner can buy a house in the United States, a visa is not required. The ownership/purchase of a home has no direct impact on getting or not getting a visa – i.e. Buying a House is not recognized as an investment for a visa. (Under certain circumstances, but the acquisition of multiple objects and establishing one can e.g. property management company who makes the rent and manage these objects, created the basis for an investor visa but there are a few more requirements to necessary) If you have a house in the United States still apply the “normal” 3 months, which should remain at a time in the United States.

However, there are extensions or other visa two with which this stay may be extended. To the House buying and selling as such: A foreigner pays the same arrangement fees as every American with the purchase of the House. Also with regard to the basic tax tax for foreigners is not extra. A foreigner can apply for only no homestead exemption, of course real estate in Florida can be not the first residence (without green card) for resale (if the foreign property owners real estate resold the US, 10% of the purchase price will be withheld, which serve to pay any “creditors” (just when the foreigners out of the country is) after the sale of the property. Get this 10% but almost completely back in a time frame of about 3 months up to a maximum 1 year.

The Old Dream Of Your Own Four Walls

Posted on November 23, 2018 in News

If you are planning to buy a property, then better every other for rent and that today when living in Germany in the coming years even though the desire for your own four walls is greater than ever before. This result provided a survey of Baufinanzierungspool24. Here, most of those surveyed by one of the country house (23%), a classic family house (21%) or even the Villa dream trappings 15 with lots of greenery. Unfortunately, the financial resources are often limited, so that the purchase of a condo for over 25% of respondents is most likely to imagine. At the House are together dream and reality to the next, because 20% of respondents think that this type of real estate most likely comes is in question. The times speak for the purchase of a real estate”, so S.Dreier CEO of Baufinanzierungpool24. Looking at the yield curve of the last 40 years, so are the interest rates are still at historically low levels.

It is useful to bring in equity, but also for customers without equity may be the desire of own real estate realized be”. The opinions split again into 2 camps. “A” recommend the use of an equity capital of the 20 per cent – the other “advise prefer today to buy the property, and now instead of the rent, to pay off the home equity. We have for almost every customer solution”to three. It is important to compare the offers of different banks. Not only the interest rate is important, but also the individual details E.g. whether processing fees, whether deployment free are calculated times, whether unscheduled repayments are possible or whether a change of repayment costs.


Helmer Tieben

Posted on November 19, 2018 in News

In Germany, there are twelve social code, in which the labour laws are kodigiziert. To keep track, here requires the training of a specialist. The German social security law is normalized in the twelve books of the SGB. Thus, the social law covers a broad and specified range of legal issues in the area of social assistance, the social protection of workers and compensation from the State. A lawyer for labour Cologne should master a range of such as well as all other lawyers in Germany. It includes this area of law including the social insurance (pension insurance, health insurance), the unemployment (employment promotion), the hard right of the disabled and the victims of violence and war victims compensation. Another important area of social is the welfare as also the basic provision for jobseekers. Commonly, the basic insurance for working people in the field of social is called also SGB II or Hartz 4.

If a person no longer capable of work, unless on the basis of disability or age takes the SGB XII. A lawyer for labour Cologne should be versed in addition also with the social promotion, the child benefit, the child-raising allowance and the BAFoG and the housing. Because other laws such as the BAFoG and the housing benefit Act belong to the SGB and the field of the social. In addition, national and municipal schemes come to these areas. Since the labour law regulates the legal relations between citizens and the public authorities, this is a part of public law. At the same time, it has many points of contact to the labor law, because social security and employment are closely. For example, a worker, an employee or a trainee gem.

5 is SGB V compulsorily and to consider consequences resulting from a lawyer for labour. For the decision of sozialgerichtlicher disputes, the social courts is responsible and also specialized for this. There are special judges, that focus on the decision of social disputes. The European and international law as a whole now has a large influence on the German social security law. Here therefore national legislation is influenced always again by the European legislation or case-law. Here, it is to maintain an overview, to actively advise the client. Often, clients in the field of social is to people who require special assistance. Because these are dependent on State aid, such as for example disabled or sick people. Legal advisor must know well how the lawyers for labour in Cologne, Germany in the field of social. Task groups transferred legal workers, such as Home Affairs, asset custody, health care or the stay provision. To properly implement this task groups, a regular training of caregivers is necessary. A lawyer for labour can demonstrate particular knowledge in this area through the acquisition of a professional lawyer title. To do this, a certain number of cases must be demonstrated in addition to the specific theoretical knowledge. For the professional law course, there are certain providers.

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