Walter Bowen

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Month: March 2012

The Warehouse

Posted on March 23, 2012 in News

In this work the corridors for techniques are not needed. That is, if you use the entire height of the warehouse, and set the entry shelves, we will save up to 90% of the area! But there are nuances of their own. Need to know that this type of shelving is designed for one-sorted product with a large turnover. For example, construction materials, food products with longer shelf life, household goods, household goods. This type of shelving is successfully used world-famous brand Coca-Cola. The main elements of inbound shelf – it’s vertical frames and horizontal load bearing member or rails (guides). Frame attached to each other ties for greater structural strength.

5. Mezzanine – a multi-storey warehouse As the title subtitle, you can guess that the mezzanine – a bay storage with floor (platform). The variant of the construction of a mezzanine-based pallet and shelving racks. Of course, if you want to build a pallet pallet storage mezzanine. If you want manual warehousing – that mezzanine shelving.

All very simple. The main advantage of using the attic – is to use the entire height of the warehouse. For example, if the height of your warehouse – 11 meters, then you can set it with a mezzanine platform height at 5 am and set at the first level racks with a height of 5 m and the second 4-5 m. The main elements of a mezzanine: Frame. Railings site. Stair railing. Staircase. Traverse – a horizontal element of the racks.

Frame House Building

Posted on March 17, 2012 in News

When the dream of your own home is ready to become a reality, it immediately acquires a number of issues that are solved, unfortunately, can not please everyone. And then, the dream remains a dream. But that this did not happen with you, let us look at what exactly is the problem of building your own home and how to resolve them. The first thing you need to find out – a goal that is pursued in the construction of homes. Perhaps you want to buy a seasonal housing which will be placed on a garden site, and perhaps the house will be your constant habitat. What will the structure of the house, and from what building materials will be made up.

What kind of room you will need, and What can be neglected. How many floors and rooms you would like to have in your new home, and how many people it will be posted. Of course, it is necessary to think about protecting your home from weather events, in particular to ensure lightning (lightning protection). : Integrated lightning gromozaschita House – a pledge for your safety. Particular attention should be given the choice of the roof. Since it is the roof and roofing materials are a critical element protect your home. Roofing, their quality and the most suitable roofing material is the key to longevity of your home. All this will help you to better define in the selection of the project of your home. Most importantly – do not must be remembered that in matters of construction is very important advice of a professional.