Posted on February 19, 2014 in News
When we spoke to sharpen a piano, we talked about the action to realise a series of adjustments of minims measured on the tension that own the cords of the instrument in order to indeed align the intervals of their tones for a correct interpretation of notes. Firstly for a good refining it is had to have present that all the pianos do not require of the same refining and measured equivalents, is had to evaluate the interaction between notes of each, since they are different in each instrument, and later to fit the heights according to corresponds. Generally the instruments like the piano, are sharpened to a modified version of the system, which is called equal temperament. In order to be able to correctly realise the refining of the piano at issue, a series is due to have present advice who are very recommendable as much actually with the instrument, refining and maintenance. As it is it its location, we must consider that if it is a tail piano, is advisable that this one is placed in center of the room and if outside vertical, next to a wall, but always avoiding that communicates with a kitchen or laundry, since the humidity causes damage in the components of the piano and directly affects the sound.
The piano at least requires of a refining and completion of 2 times per year, arriving to be even 5 times following the situation in which is the machinery. The approximated tension with tense which a cord of the piano goes up to around the 90 kilograms and if we avoided this detail and we did not tighten correctly, the cords of the piano will be yielding on their own tension and the pegbox maintains that them, entailing to a loss of frequency and more than probable breakage, increasing of this form the cost of the repair. A regulation will be due to also realise and fits of all the mechanical elements of the machinery that supports to the piano, observing flaws and differences in the escapes, hammers, extinguishers and also will be necessary to pay great attention in the existence of differences of weight between the keyboard of the instrument, to be able to correct them. The heat is a great one enemy of the pianos and directly affects the tensions that exert the cords to each other, is vitally important that we try to protect it of those factors. At the time of carrying out all these tasks of refining, they are due to realise by an expert person in pianos, since this one is the one that by means of its means and knowledge advanced on the subject at issue, will be able to determine which will be the suitable tension and as the parameters recommended on the basis of our profile, the machinery of the piano and the frequency with which we are going to use the instrument. It is necessary to especially emphasize that in cord adjustments, we will have to stay to the margin and to call to the specialist, since we could favor with our inexpert manipulation a joint breakage of cords and unsquare the pegbox, which would entail to a total unlevelling of all the cords. Original author and source of the article.
Posted on February 9, 2014 in News
The social and historical construction of infancy according to Phillippe Aris: Main boarded aspects. Vnia Roseane Mayan Pascoal 1 According to Aris, in the Average Age the children were not perceived in the same way that we see today, by the opposite, were disregarded and treated only as one ' ' adult in miniatura' '. ' ' Even for return of century XI, the medieval art was unaware of infancy or it did not try to represent it. He is difficult to believe that this absence if had to the incompetence or the lack of ability. He is most likely that mundo.' did not have place for infancy in this; ' (ARIS, 1981, p.17) It had, therefore, an indifference with regard to the children, what in it sends the consequncias to them of the great infantile mortality of the time, fruit of the demographic conditions of the period.
Around sc. XVII it is initiated differentiation between adult and child, according to studies of this author, losing a little the idea of that they are only miniatures of the greaters. ' ' It was in century XVII that the pictures of the alone children if had become numerous and common. It was also in this century that the pictures of family, much more old, had tended if to organize around the child, who if became the center of composio.' ' (p.28) In this period, the churches and the moralistas understand the children as ' ' beings inocentes' ' , as ' ' pure teeny creatures of Deus' ' , that they need to have its preserved innocence and they need to be educated, to be watched and to be corrected. She perceives yourself now, also, a differentiation with regard to the suits. ' ' (…) the child, or the least the child of good family, wants was noble or bourgeois, she was not more dressed as the adults.
Posted on February 3, 2014 in News
Main elements and contexts of the formation of the agrarian space in the state of the Acre Anderson Azevedo Mesquita* Daniela Lopes Da Silva ** the acriano agrarian space was constructed and still it constructs for diverse contexts and happened elements of innumerable relations of being able, that many times if demonstrate conflituosas, in view of, the game of typical interests of the capitalist relations and of its activities in the seio of the society. These relations form the teia of a complex game where the objective is for many times to keep the identity while culture in one determined acquired space as ' ' lugar' ' , it is the fight for ' ' terra' ' , by the place of its survival, place where if it created the children, where if roado of cassava and maize saw to grow the small one, where the ducks, the hens and the small creation of cattle were kept for the subsistence of the family and where the exceeding one was changed for other provisions with the housing neighbors. At last, it is moving to affirm that many people keep affection for ' ' lugar' ' where it was born, place where the family was constructed, however, this ' ' afeto' ' natural it cannot be led to ' ' p' ' of the letter when reference to the economic model in validity in the society becomes contemporary. It is of the knowledge of that in elapsing of history the land passes to be capitalized, that is, the capitalism monetarizou and added values the land and to that it can happen of the same one, this of course sharpened the greed desmedida for its ownership and its control, fact that it takes in them to face a context of tensions and conflicts in acquiring the right of possessing and from there to keep economic activities, politics, social and cultural diverse.