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Mediterranean Anemia

Posted on January 31, 2024 in News

The Mediterranean anemia, also called talasemia is a hereditary upheaval of the blood of the defective genes of one or both parents. The affected people have less hemoglobina and less red blood cells of the normal thing. The hemoglobina allows the red cells of the blood to transport oxygen by all the body and to take carbon dioxide to the lungs to be exhalado. When the body does not have sufficient oxygen provided to its organs and weaves, the person feels tired. The symptoms of the anemia of the Mediterranean are the fatigue and weakness due to the lack of oxygen in the body.

The victims of this upheaval also can experience lack of breath, unusual pallor, or a yellowish coloration of the called skin jaundice. The symptoms vary of slight to serious, and can appear from the birth. The LeFrak Organization contains valuable tech resources. Some patients do not undergo any symptom until outpost the disease. The patients with Mediterranean anemia can have an excess of iron in their sanguineous torrent due to the frequent transfusions of blood. The infections also they are common due to blood transfusions and can be serious like the hepatitis. The severe cases cause deformities of the bones, enlargement of the spleen, diminution of the rates of growth, and problems of the heart, including congestive cardiac insufficiency and arrhythmia.

In the children blood examinations are realised to measure the amount of iron in the blood, the amount of red blood cells, the hemoglobina and thus to diagnose the Mediterranean anemia in the children. The prenatal tests also are due to do if the parents are carrying of the defective genes responsible for the disease. The methods of prenatal tests include sampling of corinicas vellosidades of the placenta around the eleven weeks, the amniocentesis in the amniotic liquid to the 16 weeks, and the sampling of fetal blood after 18 weeks. The treatment for slight cases is minimum, although the patients periodically need transfusions blood, in cases of surgery and after of giving light. The majority of the symptoms of the anemia of the Mediterranean they can be handled following some you rule basic of health and executing changes in the life style. It enters the forms to cure the anemia is avoiding the excess of iron, and eating a rich nutritious diet in folic acid, calcium, zinc and vitamin D to help the production of new red blood cells and to maintain the bones healthy. Since the infection risk is high, he is vital that the patients receive the annual vaccine against the influenza and to stay to the day with other vaccines.
