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The Silage Process

Posted on November 16, 2010 in News

This process of silage should not exceed 4-6 meters to avoid undesirable fermentation and nutrient losses. At the conclusion of this process should be converted into the gully silo as shown in Figure B, as Figure A shows how the crop should be left, or crop residues located within the gully. AB Carcava forage layers of earth and stone layer to put pressure on the forage, the most recommended is to use stones of different sizes because the land due to drag can be lost. Stones of different sizes is important to note that the rocks are located at the bottom of the gully will be For a silage in perfect condition, and also to taste on the palate must be greater additives added to it such as: fermentation stimulants such as honey, flour, roots or tubers, sugars and others. It is important for this process is taken into account the level of sugar in the plant, depending on this it should be applied more or less sugar (honey), molasses, cereals, which will allow this process would be beneficial. The physical product will remain unchanged silage additives as previously mentioned are: the color is darker than the original forage.

Characteristic odor due to the presence of acids, which give a pleasant smell. The flavor depends on the kind of fermentation produced, since a good silage is rich in lactic acid and acetic acid silage communicated to it a pleasant taste and stimulating. The volume reduction is due to the expulsion of air and chemical changes that occur with evolution of carbon dioxide and water while reducing the amount of forage and increases the weight of the silage, varying according to the weight of column fodder that are upon them.