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World Cities

Posted on June 11, 2019 in News

The Right to the City extends the classic aspect on the improvement of the quality of life of the people centered in the housing and the quarter until enclosing the quality of life to the scale of the city and of its entorno, as a mechanism of protection of the population that lives in the cities or regions in sped up urbanization process. This implies in emphasizing a new way of promotion, respect, defense and accomplishment them civil laws, economic, social, cultural and ambient politicians, guaranteed in the regional and international instruments of human rights. Most of the Brazilian population is intent in urban areas that adequately had been rare planned, of form that its alive population in comfortable situation and gets the minimum of condition propitiates for the human development, flows of migration, can condition the degradation of great part of the population of the great cities, in Goinia this fact seems to be present, mainly in next cities it, as the City of Gois. According to World-wide Letter for the Right to the City, front to this reality, the congregated entities of the civil society since World-wide the Social Frum of 2001, had argued, debated and assumed the challenge to construct to a sustainable model of society and urban life, based in the principles of solidarity, freedom, equality, dignity and social justice. One of its beddings must be the respect to the urban cultural differences and the balance between urban and the agricultural one. Since then, a not governmental set of popular movements, organizations, associations of professionals, fruns and national and international nets of the civil society compromised with the social fights for cities more jousts, democratic, sustainable human beings and come constructing a World-wide Letter of the Right to the City that establishes the commitments and measures that must be assumed by the civil society, the local and national governments, parliamentarians and for the international organisms so that all ‘ ‘ a place to live bem’ ‘ metropolitans almost concentrate 80% of the inhabitants of slum quarters, resembled tenement houses and.
