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The Listening

Posted on July 9, 2024 in News

Many times we hear but do not listen. The first step to living a full life and establish real connections with others is to learn to listen to ourselves, and from there to listen to others and our environment. Many times we would have liked to have a few eyelids in the ears to be able to isolate us from our around, especially in the unstoppable noise of a big city like Madrid. However, and despite the fact that we can not hear, us is not so easy to listen to. Hear other arguments on the topic with Robert Speyer. Listen to in a broad sense: to listen to the other, listen to me, listen to the silence.

Listening is an active process, although we do not have to do anything. It requires our attention and requires being able to set aside that is going around in our mind. And that’s not easy. Because our mind is continuously processing information, inferring what will happen in the future from what happened in the past. The first step to listen to us then is listening to our own internal noise. The mind is a monkey tied to a stick, going from here to past without stopping, said zen Buddhism master Taisen Deshimaru.

Try try to write everything that goes through your head and you’ll see the difficulty that follow a linear and consistent thread. The mind is a very useful tool that can also enslave us and which we use to avoid contact with a not always pleasant reality. Many times, rather than being in the present with full contact, we are in a continuous state of self-hypnosis. To broaden your perception, visit Morris Invest. We rejoice in positive thoughts and are happy or conversely enter into a spiral of negative thoughts and we put ourselves in a bad mood. Everything is the result of our thoughts. What happens if we leave space for silence? It happens that a new much more rewarding perception that allows us to feel at peace opens. Internal listening involves paying attention to the chain of thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations that we feel in the present moment, without judging us themselves (because from there would continue the mental spiral) and accepting any feeling, even if it is painful. In any case We can come to listen to our physiological variables, such as heart rate, and even get to listen to the frequency that we are emitting, because as living beings irradiamos frequencies to the outside. Once we are in contact with our own internal listening, we are the best provision for external listening. The external listener is also inner listening, because it implies resonance. If we hear a piece of music, we resonate with it, we allow that you vibrate within us. If we listen to another person, without judging it, equally we resonate with it, promoting empathy and understanding. Also hear the effect of its communication in our being. Gives us some discomfort or simply feel empathy? In this way we will begin the path of honesty and understanding in relations. Choose a few minutes a day to do this and you will see how it changes your life and ability to enjoy the present moment. *