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The Den

Posted on March 10, 2019 in News

Do not we we enter the landscape in our homes, which do not exist, but rather on the landscape that exists we fit their homes. Ie we arrive on the ground asking for permission, writing there, and not vice versa. These are different approaches. In fact, this technology perfected by millions of years – our smaller brethren. Where does a bear den? Where there is an opportunity, where the den is well fit. Where will it be to eat well, where the good air, silence, for she bears opportunity to raise offspring, and so we did not think it's not right.

– Where to live ekoposelentsy at the outset? – If we're talking about nature, do not need to invent such things as tents and anything else like that. It is clear that the first few days – maybe. I guess that will come cars and trailers will be elementary. Although it is possible – 2-3 days in tents perekantovatsya – even interesting. And then – put monosoty. During those few days of arrival we have delivered several monosot and each monosota is nothing more than a 3 – bedroom apartment. Ie, essentially the very least 3 family may already live nededelku one, another.

During this time, will be created is large enough number monosot. And monosoty – something quite unique and it turns out that we can just lay them as a tent. Easy! We take monosotu, We stretch her heat and sound insulation cover, its ties lacing. That's all – and we have a good 3-bedroom apartment.

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