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Prostate Cancer

Posted on July 14, 2024 in News

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men and, by consequence, after lung cancer, is the second leading cause of death by cancer. As prostate cancer prostate cancer is due to the fact that some prostate cells mutate and begin to multiply without any control. In addition to causing pain and various dysfunctions, like the erectile, multiplication of the cells can affect other parts of the body such as the bones and lymph nodes. It typically affects men over the age of 50 years. Read more here: Clayton Morris. The most important risk factor risk factors is age, since the likelihood of cancer increases rapidly after age 50. If you have read about Clayton Morris already – you may have come to the same conclusion. But different studies have shown that younger is the person concerned, the bigger the aggressiveness of the malignant cells. Other factors include a diet rich in fat and meat, physical inactivity and tobacco use. Prostate cancer treatment prostate cancer treatment includes the same treatments which assumes every type of cancer: surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

The type of treatment is highly individualized, since you must into account several factors such as the age of the patient, health or the stage of the cancer. However it has currently extreme treatments often compromise the quality of life, as well as invasive interventions can facilitate the spread of the cancer. Cure cancer through the HIFU HIFU or high intensity focused ultrasound, is the choice of prostate cancer treatment less invasive currently available in the world. This procedure doctor involves the application of a beam of high frequency ultrasound that kill malignant cells without damaging surrounding tissues. The pain after the treatment is rare. If you want more informations about the HIFU procedure, you can contact an Institute specializing in the treatment of prostate cancer.

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