Posted on June 16, 2019 in News
The current crisis – a crisis of lack of expandability, and consumer markets the world's people to serve earlier loans. Details can be found by clicking Bruce Schanzer or emailing the administrator. The U.S. debt pyramid, in which mortgage payments were given for through new borrowings, but with constantly diminishing rate on loans from 19% in the 90s to 2.5% in the early twenty-first century, has exhausted itself. "Golden Age" of the world economy came to its logical conclusion. Bruce Schanzer is open to suggestions. Developed Russian specialists in the field of economy crisis theory argues that in the last 30 years there was a significant excess of expenditure over real disposable income. The cause of the financial and economic crisis is the fall in aggregate demand in the world due to the fact that the mechanism for the maintenance of credit to stimulate this demand has exhausted itself – there was a decrease the cost of credit.
New real income of population the past 30 years has not appeared. The current crisis is quite possible to compare in scale with the "great depression". Due to hypertrophy of the financial sector share of industry in gross product of the United States today less than 20%, although even in the 30s of last century was about 70%. It becomes clear that the scheme for which there was the economy, has exhausted itself. Today, the U.S. priority of purchasing power has dropped to 20%, and consumption – up to 40%.
Nevertheless, the U.S. consumes far more than it produces. The whole world lives on U.S. demand, which gets a re-printed, no-dollar parity, which urgently need to materialize in metals, products, real estate and equipment. Since 1981, the economies of the world began pumping credit demand. She worked on the scheme, when fixed annual payments increasing body of credit – which lowers the cost of credit. The scheme was based on the financial "bubble" that are required for the disposal of excess weight of money arises from emissions.
Posted on September 20, 2018 in News
Interior designer, of course, must understand the system development, but it is still special in another area. A therefore, no matter how harsh the company for repair of large-scale objects simply appoint a foreman at an object that holds the key to the delivery process and material properties on the object, the general course of construction, negotiates with the relevant economic services, which are responsible for summarizing communication, such as electricity, gas, water, etc. The best solution organizing construction work – this is when designer in developing the design project work, so to speak "in tandem" with the engineers and builders directly, which then will this repair at your home to do: with all this taken into account absolutely all the details construction process as they are possible, are detailed sketches and drawings. Certainly better to start repairing the premises with redevelopment, because when the little old broken walls and erected in their place new or other places (if, of course, necessary). To remove the partition, make a gap in the wall, to build the latest barrier can, for example, brick or plasterboard – such operations are proven professionals repair and construction company doing almost one a day or two. Just need to make sure that the need for redevelopment and that the demolition of the walls will not affect the overall strength of your entire structure. For example, in the urban housing redevelopment to any mandatory argue in their respective institutions.
Outside the city, where every owner in your own home, this is usually not necessary. But, often, simply carried away, the landlord can simply break or what building codes and simple at first glance, the rules, for example fire safety regulations, or both, as many demands on sanitation in damages for himself and his household. When the walls and partitions in the room and destroyed the newly constructed, typically, made all the work related to electricity.