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Kavar Vahid Banani

Posted on December 18, 2018 in News

Citizens of the old world demanded freedom, because they could not decide on many issues. As equality subsumed to equal treatment before the law, the fair and balanced should be structured, as well as all citizens and citizens equal opportunities should really cannot allow what in highly structured State society was. Fraternity thinks something, what we today call solidarity, a responsibility that doesn’t stop with the own advantage and economies sees as fair and cooperative activity. The interpretation of equality, which spills from the pen of Keschvari in the world, does not refer to an equality before the law of rule of law, but on an equality in the treatment of all subjects regardless of rank and names that do not follow the commandments of the Supreme Leader. A subtle and absolutely power-keeping interpretation.

The hunt by Kavar In September 2011 12 made himself a young Mullah on the way to the province and rushed chapters of violent Bassij against Whirling Dervishes. Often, the pattern is the same. Only is rushed, the dervishes are slandered and with enemies of the regime in context, then there is physical attacks against the dervishes and their homes and businesses and eventually regular police forces on the sides of the Bassij intervene in order to wrestle down the Dervishes. 13 after the action in Kavar Vahid Banani was shot during protests against this approach in the neighbouring Sarvestan. A Web site operated by Dervishes, Madschzooban-e Nour, was closed and almost all staff in custody. Few could save himself by flight to Turkey. The crimes of these people was to tell of the events in Kavar. The droves of false Pharaoh do not like the light of the public.

You can shut not every citizen through threats, defamation, bribes or promise of benefits. These men Act in the shadows and cover their tracks brutally. Their plans are far-reaching and are implemented since den1990er step by step into action years.