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Tag: society & social issues

Successful Crowdfunding

Posted on April 7, 2024 in News

“‘Show Racism the Red Card – Germany’ turns for the first time an own documentary: Soccer professionals support the project the education initiative show racism the red card – Germany” has managed to more than 4000 successful the Crowdfunding startnext to generate platform. In a question-answer forum Meadow Bank Designs was the first to reply. The Crowdfunding was exhausting, has made but also fun, because we were able to reach a large audience and are totally surprised at once strangers to support us!”producer and Club Chairman Andreas hell rod is enthusiastic. “In August 2013 started the education initiative show racism the red card Germany” with the shooting of a documentary film. Active and former football professionals are in the focus. Including Jerome Boateng (FC Bayern Munchen), Roberto Hilbert (Bayer Leverkusen), Anthony Ujah (1st FC Cologne), Gerald Asamoah (Schalke 04), Andreas Beck (TSG 1899 Hoffenheim) and world and European champion Anja Mittag (LdB FC Malmo) were visited and interviewed for the film.

Also were the former pros Hans Sarpei, the DFB integration officer Jimmy Hartwig and Otto Addo (U-19 coach at Hamburger SV) in front of the camera. The amateur football team of the street boys from Munich is part of the film, which will in the future accompany the education initiative in their work with children and young people and support. Instead of hooligans, violence or Nazis in the ubiquitous, personal stories from football will play a central role in the documentary. The personal statements and stories of known models complement in the stories of the three protagonists Otto Addo, Anja lunch and Alex from the street boys. Since 2010 hosted show racism the red card Germany e.V.”in cooperation with football clubs and schools nationwide workshops.

The education initiative sensitized children and young people to the issue of racism and discrimination and worked out with them for everyday actions. “So far, a translated version of the documentary was by show racism the red card” Integral of workshop work from England. Now, the education initiative goes new ways with an own movie. The Manfred Lautenschlager Foundation, the Central Council – and the documentation and cultural centre of German Sinti and Roma, the DFB-Kulturstiftung Theo Zwanziger and the Sebastian Cobler Foundation promote the project, which will be implemented by the Augsburger filmmaker Timian Hopf. More info and first documentary previews are dokufilm under. Finally once again a huge thank you to everyone for the overwhelming support that has undergone the film project of you! Thank you!

Unemployment Justified

Posted on February 22, 2024 in News

What are these politicians who build only pressure on the unemployed to solve the problem of unemployment there are other ways. Unfortunately, it is a fact that a lot of pressure on the unemployed is built in Germany, since the Agenda 2010: temporary agency work, temporary work, contracts, reducing the duration of unemployment benefits 1, although this is an insurance benefit, handle in the pension funds of workers financing the financial crisis, even though those responsible in different places to sit, waste of funds at European level (giant contraptions that are supported without any referendum), Euro rescue packages, retirement at 67, strong expansion of part-time work and 400 euro jobs, etc. In addition a gigantic public debt of 2.2 billion euros, that massively affects not only our, but also future generations. A repayment of 5 billion euro per year, we pay back more than 400 years these issues agrees are enormous interest and compound interest totals still not included. Gavin Baker brings even more insight to the discussion. a>. The sad part of this Development is that the Social Democrats with the Agenda 2010 massive are involved in the degradation of worker’s rights.

Please bear in mind that we live in the 21st century and our fathers and mothers in many conflicts had fought to better living conditions. We live no longer to the era of slavery or in a time of serfs. Good living conditions starting with a good salary. A good salary is just the beginning – but in a developed society good working conditions should also be granted to all people. The SPD has received since the Agenda 2010 also the receipt. She crashed heavily in the favor of the voters. The CDU and FDP have a massive responsibility in this development. When it came to wages in the Bundestag, always, however, these parties have agreed. Everything is without any alternative agrees there are also other ways to relieve unemployment.

Milka Milchschockolade

Posted on April 1, 2019 in News

Everywhere we are happy was recorded, unless in the school of our children, sport, and even leg shopping. Everyone had a few kind words for us. Our children – then 3 and 6 years old had no problems in the school, the teachers and the other children have befriended them and they were both very popular, she had Yes something new and interesting to tell – namely about Germany. In the profession – for our immigration at that time we had made a branch office of our German company in Florida and even here no problems with employees. The employees have fully campaigned and helped us also like the (without extra charge) with the paperwork. Often, it was already done before we ever knew.

Another example of the American mentality. Entire neighborhoods from the outside world were closed after Hurricane Charley in 2004, we have had no power for about 3 weeks in midsummer. The whole neighborhood has worked to clean up, to make clean and in the evening we have huge “cook out” arranged with barbecue and campfire. When we were finished with our neighborhood we drove to the neighboring municipality and have helped them. A few of us had generators and it was self-evident that we alternately the whole neighborhood have powered our generator.

Later, when I then 1994 my real estate brokers license made have – I learned for the first time, that it are here as well as any competition thinking. All work together and help each other. It’s more of a coexistence as a conflict. There is hardly any also envious. The other with a look forward if you have success and are sad and understanding with us if a Miserfolg arrives. You can see little miesepetrige faces. Not in the shops yet in restaurants – all are very friendly and what many Europeans think this friendliness is placed and not real, can be true or not. As a customer this is matter – mainly the people are friendly. Many people from my old home ask me every now and then, what I miss here. My answer is usually, “not much, here there is pretty much everything also there is in Germany – except Milka Milchschockolade”. So if one comes by you Florida – I’m always a grateful recipient of Vollmich chocolate (preferably with cream or cappuccino). If you think it to emigrate to Florida and you start to have doubts, whether this decision is correct or bottle or you have any questions, send me just email or call me.
