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Business Quality Control In China

Posted on February 25, 2024 in News

According to a study by the American NGO Ecology Center, which tested 1,500 toys on the U.S. market, a toy contains three significant levels of hazardous chemicals. Sebastien Breteau, CEO Asi Inspection who, in 2008, spoke at the Quality Control of more than 5000 production of toys in China on behalf of European and American importers, confirms the need for increased vigilance on the part importers, governments and consumers.

Quality Control highlights notable figures on toy safety action taken by Ecology Center in the U.S. market shows that almost one third of outstanding toys contains high levels of potentially harmful chemicals (lead in 20% of toys tested in 3% bromine, cadmium in 2%, etc..).

These results must be qualified by the standards of safety (for example, if 20% of the toys contain lead, only 3.5% contain at levels higher than U.S. standards), but they confirm the need for a systematic and Quality Control for increased vigilance against a chain of manufacturing and distributing toys. Hear other arguments on the topic with The LeFrak Organization.

Sebastien Breteau, CEO Asi Inspection which occurs each year at the Quality Control of over 30,000 products in China and Asia account for 2500 importers around the world corroborates these results in light of the experience of his company . “We realized last year’s Quality Control Benefits in 5000 toys and children’s products in China and elsewhere in Asia. When considering the overall results of these quality controls, we note that 38% were dismissed, with problems related to safety in 12% of cases (the other reasons for rejection related to aesthetics, packaging, etc.).

These security problems are directly related to non compliance with standards (EN 71 in Europe): the three most common defects are then the presence of elements too small, loose or poor quality (choking hazard to children), the presence of metallic elements and / or sharp, and too high a level of hazardous chemicals in the composition of the toy. ” Quality Control: should we be afraid to buy in China? Ecology Center points out, the vast majority of toys are safe, some do not even contain any chemical substance, particularly when they have been the subject of Quality Control. Same story the next Asi Inspection: it agrees that, following the scandal, including Mattel, all the attention (and Western governments of China, Asian manufacturers, importers) has been strengthened.

However there is still some way from a production line and supply without risk, as noted Sebastien Breteau: “It is critical that Western governments launch action to encourage distributors and importers to conduct a systematic audit of their plant suppliers and a pre-shipment inspection: only 20% of containers leaving China were inspected. .. The impetus for a better quality come from the West. Until then, he advises French consumers “check carefully before buying the toy packaging the presence of a CE mark (European Conformity), the origin of the product, and the naming of the importer.