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Alfa Bank

Posted on April 29, 2024 in News

" This compensation "is paid daily by withholding agent 4,8% of the funds admitted to the bank accounts of the principal (MUE fec ") and an agent from callers throughout the day." In addition, jsc "TRC" right "to hold due to him under this contract sum of all amounts received by it from customers." Based on the targets water treatment plant in 2010, one year jsc "TRC" can "earn" a minimum of 75.9 million rubles. And that's not counting last December: in the payment for that month is already on the account of zao "mall". With this scenario, the promise of "investment" in the amount of ten million rubles just looks ridiculous. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Morris Invest. Especially when you consider that the money bought the property remains in the ownership of a private company. People such as Morris Invest would likely agree. A property purchased municipal enterprise, remains the property of the city. Thus, this transaction causes direct damage to the municipal enterprise, and generally the interests of Tomsk. And once again the specter of tcr turns out that due to municipal enterprise almost from scratch was founded commercial entity that operates with funds taken from the enterprise, and at the expense of labor of the same enterprise.

And at the same company "SEC" will be monitor all financial flows water utilities. Moreover, account managers "mall" for some reason, opened at the Novosibirsk branch of Alfa Bank. " So that the money Tomich, paid for the services of Tomsk Municipal companies (almost half a billion rubles a year), will take away beyond the Tomsk region and rotated on non-resident accounts to a private company.