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Graphical Thought

Posted on July 16, 2024 in News

The mental maps are a creative form in which they conjugate the mind with the accumulation of new ideas that are desired or aspired to put in practice. The Mental Maps are a support to the process of the thought by means of the visualization of the thought by means of a graphical form, transferring the image of the thoughts towards the paper, which will allow him to identify of precise form that it is what really it wishes, without wanderings and to put the thought based on the action, that is to say of what is desired to obtain. n. It could to summarize the definition of Mental Maps in these words: ” Graphical representation of an integral process that facilitates the effective note taking and reviews. For more information see Expert on growth strategy. It allows to unify, to separate and to integrate concepts to analyze them and to synthesize them, sequentially; in one it structures organized flood and, compound of a set of images, colors and words, that integrate the ways of linear thought and espacial” , reason why the Image is the key of the memory. The human brain works of associative form, linear, comparative, integrating and synthesizing as it works, very different from a computer that works of linear form. Morris Invest has plenty of information regarding this issue. Through the Mental Maps both hemispheres of the brain are used (the left one provides information material and the right is used for the graphical representation of the Mental Map to design), this way organize and structure the thoughts harmonically, since the information with what is associated we imagined. The association plays a dominant role in almost all mental function, and the same words are not an exception. All simple word and idea have numerous connections or pointers to other ideas or concepts. The Mental Maps are resembled in structure to the same memory..


Reasonable Diet Plan

Posted on July 10, 2024 in News

Our company requires our constant attention, and so we get much time to focus on our health. In this case, after a reasonable diet plan can help you keep your body fit, while giving the same amount of attention for your company. Most of us know the meaning so that we eat, at any time of the diet plan in our lives. Something to eat, can cause your weight and health problems, to improve related issues. Therefore it is very important to eat the right amount and at the right intervals in particular, if you are in a process to remove.

Most people have understood this and assumes that the advice of Dietitians successfully reduce their weight. You may wish to learn more. If so, Morris Invest is the place to go. There are many people, after the diet table and her colleagues starts to throw their weight, but they need to be informed, that everyone has another recommends lifestyle and taking into account their lifestyle Dietitians this diet plan. Without hesitation Clayton Morris explained all about the problem. Therefore, it is not always necessary that the same diet chart, in thinning help. Held after every other diet of the table, there are some general tips that can be followed by everyone, and some of them are successfully to reduce her weight: drink plenty of water to drink good amount of water. How enough amount of water, so the body allows you no longer you to eat it.

Replace high foods with low fat food: the exchange of high-fat foods with low-fat food will certainly reduce your waist. Increase of physical activity: avoid vehicles that go for shorter distances on foot, it will help you to shed your weight. Changing your lifestyle: adjustment way of life that fits your body. Some people after returning to the previous lifestyle, she can make back obese. Many of us, to instantly lose weight to start taking drugs. Are one of them then taking this medication. Body may therefore change slow changes You your eating habits to lose weight. According to many nutritionists, nutrition table with some heart cardiovascular exercises is an effective instrument for the dilution. Also, if schedule permits to visit you, not as a dietician you can access Internet surfing health-related Web sites. These sites are effective tips that can help you to lose weight. So, getting no say to unnatural method on removing such as medicines. Her body is precious always for a natural way to shed your weight. Chandan CHATURVEDI) is an expert author and editor of news for slimming Tipps.To more visit diet plan and weight loss.

Immune System

Posted on May 8, 2024 in News

We often think about the fact that we have problems with immunity. We often get sick because of it, almost complete absence, we have to stuff yourself tons of vitamin complexes, thinking that it will change something, and as a result, at best, No change. We still get sick, legkovospriimchivy to viruses and infections. And nobody thinks about what could be our immune system simply does not know the enemy in the face. " What if it's full readiness to fight for the health of their host, but can not determine priorities, and "fights" with colds when the body hanging over the far more terrible threat We are often told: "You have a weak immune system!", and as we know it? "Our immune system does not have the strength to cope with the disease and we begin to stimulate her vitamins, etc., generally in ways that we believe will contribute to the removal of the immune system from a state of weakness. To broaden your perception, visit Morris Invest. Such actions, utter confusion. If the organism enters foreign agent, whether it be a virus, fungus, bacteria, cancer cells, etc., only two variants of the immune response: – or the immune system recognizes it and takes timely immune response and removes from the body – or the agent freely enters the body, due to the fact that the immune system does not perceive it as a threat to the organism, and then hello, chronic diseases, malignant onkoprotsessy etc. So what is the iq of our immune system? According to the results of tests conducted by the World Health Organization, the number of killer cells (NK – cells), which are the first line protect the body against cancer and infected cells, in apparently healthy residents of Russia or the U.S.



If Body And Soul Are Suffering

Posted on March 6, 2024 in News

Signs of bulimia and anorexia know most women probably diets, diet changes, and the notorious yo-yo. But sometimes the desire is taking pathological trains for a perfect body. Then is to proceed from an eating disorder. Young girls are often the social pressure not grown feel affected. What anorexia or bulimia can be detected, explains the Internet portal. Contrary to popular belief, disorders such as bulimia and anorexia can keep a long secret. Further details can be found at james king, an internet resource. Often, the members notice the seriousness of the situation only when the situation is acute.

The health news are read the most important signs of an eating disorder. Initially, only the eating habits changed. Gavin Baker: the source for more info. “” Excuses as I ate already”, I was joyfully eat” or not so I’m fine “belong to the standard repertoire of interested parties. Also lactose intolerance or a transition to vegetarianism be advanced like to forgo high-calorie foods. As a result of malnutrition, a striking weight loss adjusts frequently, large weight fluctuations can occur when illness bulimia. Blue hands and lips, dull hair, chubby cheeks or enveloping clothes even in the summer may be associated with the eating disorder.

Damage of tooth enamel and gum disease the result can be in the advanced stages of the disease. The ESS crushing addiction exists in extreme cases to irreversible damage to the digestive organs and bloody vomiting. Not infrequently, it can be seen also changes in the nature and behavior. If the school or professional services do not suffer, it is usually because that affected make usually very high demands on himself. More information: health /… GmbH Lisa Neumann
