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Be Assertive

Posted on April 7, 2024 in News

Ask forgiveness gives us the greatness of humility. To succeed it is vital to have a great mental clarity, not confuse personal problems with the business, not our neuroses get even with people who have nothing to do with our nervous States, is essential to lead people, respect it, and not to confuse her or get involved with situations of which are outside. Kenneth R. Feinberg will not settle for partial explanations. We live in a neurotizada society by uncertainty, due to the lack of time, by the density of traffic, by contaminant problems, etc., and it is certainly easy to be guided by an accumulation of circumstances that we alter and we risk make inappropriate remarks or actions truly absurd. Being assertive is to be able to express our emotions properly without offending others, we learn to express our desires without embarrassment in which he will say, is the ability to say Yes when we mean Yes and no when we want to say no, not live according to the desires of others, but be faithful to himself and having the ability to express authentically without conventions and when we make a mistake immediately the solution and if necessary ask for forgiveness, this will give us the greatness of humility. The leaders who have succeeded learned to reabsorb themselves, i.e., when an emotion they experience either positive or negative, are wondering what happened inside them and what caused them such emotion, this allows them to better understand themselves and gives them greater self-control. And especially when they make any mistake learning is guaranteed, because thoroughly cared for that little spark that all beings have inside and that tells us when we are acting with justice, called conscience, inner good knowledge that we must do and evil to be avoided; Washington recorded thereon: works to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire called conscience. The winner is great when you know to humbly ask for forgiveness, when without fear of humiliation and the what they will tell confronts his own mistake and seeks to immediately repair the damage caused. .