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The Cohabitation Of Cats

Posted on December 15, 2013 in News

There are many details about cats that we must know when live with them at home. There are also important issues when we have or will have several cats living in the same space. Believe it or not, have several cats in the same space can be very simple as it can also be a complete problem. This is why we are going to talk a little bit about the cohabitation of the cats in this article. The theme of the cohabitation of cats will clarify many important points you need to know a person having two or more cats living in a house or in a same space. The first thing that must be clear is that there are two different situations when we talk about the cohabitation of the cats in the same space. The first situation occurs when there is cohabitation of cats since they are small, that is, in the first months of born. The second situation is when there is cohabitation of cats being one already accommodated in the House and becoming the new Cat once it has already accommodated.

We will see that it occurs in these two situations cohabitation of cats. In the situation where there is cohabitation of cats in the same space, since they are small, usually not usually present problems. Although many cats are not sociable and show him once they are adults, this does not imply that when continue cohabiting with those who lived from small will generate problems. Usually cats that are not sociable established its independence without having to walk having problems with their peers from an early age. It is possible that problems of cohabitation of cats are presented in this situation but the truth is that it is very rare, since the cats when they are small is know each other and also in the age they begin to mark territories each is finding their own spaces. If suddenly you have problems in the cohabitation of the cats in this instance, you will have to advise you well since this will be due to root problems. The other situation is when already having a cat in space, another arrives at that same space. In this situation should be more cautious and is that probably there are problems in the cohabitation of cats.

First, if the new cat is a cat still in the first seven months of age, it may be that no problem will not occur in the cohabitation of cats since the new minino does not represent any threat to the territory of the adult cat. The small usually adapt to the conditions of the adult cat and no problems will be presented in the cohabitation of cats. The biggest problems of cohabitation of cats occur when an adult cat comes new and previously there is another cat in the same space. In these cases you must ensure good isolate initially a little two cats so that they know in the distance. After a while allowed that it go approaching little by little, not immediately, so that they become known. It is likely that fights occur initially, but then stop and start having a good cohabitation between them. If they continue fighting, you will have to take drastic measures like idearte how to keep them separate. Original author and source of the article