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Selling an Apartment

Posted on September 11, 2013 in News

There is much you need to know when selling an apartment. Any new owner every time before selling them to order it again. And anyway, my advice to you the third – shift all the responsibilities in the design of the site for its purchase to the seller. Go to the bank, put money in safe deposit boxes where you draw up a contract that the seller gets the money only after the presentation of documents on the site, registered to the new owner. That is for you. For registration of the contract grant power of attorney to the seller or its representative solely for registration actions to himself not to go to a remote registration center.

And the consent of the spouse to commit this acquisition. That’s all. Just wait for their documents. And do not forget to look before buying the site. What it is worth paying particular attention to? In some regions, buying land is preferable? If you’re not going to buy land in the hundreds and thousands of acres for the organization on its large agricultural production, and you do not interested in the humus content in its soil, the investment fits an area of 1 to 30 acres in the place that you enjoy yourself and where you want to build some kind of secluded ranch, at which time of time will be pleasant to go and see. Like you – like those who in future will want to buy your land has risen in price.
