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Portable CCleaner

Posted on April 11, 2024 in News

CCleaner is a program of otimizao of gratuitous operational system for Windows. Its function is to eliminate all the archives that the system does not use. This allows that the operational system functions faster increases the free space of its hard disk. The portable CCleaner is a version of the CCleaner that can lead for any place, in pendriver or COMPACT DISC, since it has the tables functionalities of the original version, to put, does not require installation. Characteristics of the portable CCleaner. ; – It eliminates all the temporary archives of the navigators, description and cookeis of the IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari. – Clean lixeira, recent documents and temporary archives of the windwos – It eliminates registers of entrances not used – It eliminates list of recent archives of applicatory as Windows Medias Player, Emulates, Kazza, Galaxy Airs, Acrobat Adobe, etc. Lowers its portable CCleaner and has one of the best tools to optimize its computer whenever to need.
