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Posted on April 2, 2024 in News

Against this background, it may seem that this level of personality only is reserved for a few, unfortunately, few people know that effective leadership is not expressed by a specific appointment or designation. In all, teams from the school to the senior management of enterprises, we find at least one person, without the weight of responsibility, outstanding for its initiative, broad view of the circumstances, hard-working and hard decisions, their ideas and contributions are always considered by the knowledge and opportunity to express that on the other hand, is distinguished by its ease of dialogue and has the ability to relate to all within and outside of work. Such people stand also for having an accumulation of good habits and values: Joy, kindness, order, perseverance (among others), awakening in us admiration and respect. Anne Chadwick has many thoughts on the issue. In other words, they are a worthy model and example of personality. Why not be us this model? Seldom are we aware of being observed by others, we are constantly in a showcase where people perceive our behavior and conduct.

Great leaders of the old warriors were respected and appreciated for being the first to go into battle. Similarly, each of us must go ahead, whether or not we, head of household, business, team or group. Rarely, if ever, think about the responsibility we have as individuals. Indeed, all can and should exercise leadership in our particular circumstances "a a Parents guide, lead and exercise authority in their hands is the education of the whole family should be a model of values and good habits, so teach their children to live them to become good people.