Walter Bowen

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Moscow Region

Posted on March 5, 2019 in News

Here's how I look at advertising cottage village "Marienburg" on local tv, in a magazine or on billboards and tear, as they say, vague doubts. By historical German names in the field, I'm neutral. That is do not call me back, but also to "double" in popular speech'm more than quiet. Koenig – Koenig is, I myself called so, depending on the situation, the city can be called Kaliningrad, may be Koenigsberg. Yes, and Friedland causes more historical associations than Pravdinsk (Just quietly, I am a St. Petersburg-Leningrad, both names are eligible, depending on the context).

But this one Marienburg makes me God knows what, not understand the feelings. That kind of houses, cottages beautiful beach, all that elite, European And I would not want to live in this Marienburg. In Koenig – live and in Marienburg – do not want. Wrong. Wrong to call for Russian city on earth "European manner". Historic name – it is one of those historic names – the aura and the seven hundred years of history. And from the modern "Marienburg" – nothing but contempt for domestic pret.

This, incidentally, to many of Moscow Region "Switzerland" concerns. Housing estates – it's good, I'm not quite revolutionary, and even approve. Just dress is not necessary. French with Novgorod combined bad.
