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Lodging Options

Posted on October 3, 2012 in News

When you think abroad about your course of languages, you would have to reflect seriously on the type of lodging that you choose. This aspect surely will affect your experience of a way or another one, reason why always aid to guess right from the beginning. Equal the idea to be with a family causes disagreement to you, but it could become the right one what precise so that your studies of English abroad become the greater experience than you have had. The majority of schools offers different types from lodging and usually is: family of welcome, shared apartment or calls to account student. All these vary following the school and location that you choose, like of the preconceived idea that you can have of each. Here you have a small explanation of each type: Stay in FamiliMucha people usually thinks that when living with a family they will be forced to bear a horrible diet and to limit themselves the daily routine of the family and therefore to lose the freedom that one would feel choosing another type of lodging.

Nevertheless the reality could not to be more different! Many hosts cook very well and this same one can give foot to interesting conversations, like to learn of each culture, like for example, cooking a typical plate of your earth to your hosts? This is not only an funny form to make friendships but also to practice your English. The schools do an excellent work when looking for compatible families for each student, reason why you let we recommended know us to the greater information on your preferences when doing the reserve. For example, you smoke? , you prefer a family with or without children? , you like the animal of company? , you would like to be with a single person, a pair or family? , you prefer that also there are other students? , which are your interests and pleasures? , you need Internet or your own bath? Many of these requests can be to your reach since the schools have an ample fan of hosts.
