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Italians Region

Posted on August 8, 2015 in News

In the center of the city, ashkenazim and sefaradim had constructed religious and culturaisseparados spaces. In the Leopoldina, the families sefaradim, in reduced number, if inseriramna life ashkenazi with difficulties. The European immigrants did not like that osfilhos they married outside of the group due to communication difficulty as the novosparentes, ' ' (VAITSMAN, 2006:102) the writer Rachel Mizrahi, also weaves commentary sobreessa division between the Jews: The Jewish immigrants, marked for the conservadorismo, nocogitaram in the marriage of the children with people of other religious origins. Noincio, was bothered with marriages with asquenazis, known como' ' gringos' ' (MIZRAHI, 2003:171). ITS OLD GHETTOS AND ITS NEW PAPER IN the SOCIETY different Languages and customs between the proper Jews, jdemonstrava as the adaptation of them in these new lands could be difficult. However this was not the main agent of difficulty for these immigrants, another point that caused certain constaint enters they age the difcilaceitao in our land. This finished being one them reasons that had made diversasfamlias mistreat to live next to have its social circles between them eat ' ' aportuguesar' ' its names to be better accepted in sociedadeda time. The region of Square XI, was not only a redoubt of blacks, Italians and other immigrants.

Had its proximity with the Center of the Riomuitos Jewish they had made of the region of next region its housing. Some quehaviam before fond and already they had certain stability rented noscortios rooms for just fond the Jewish young men, therefore many of them not tinhamposse none. Square XI also served as first polar region of meeting dasdiversas families you mistreat (mainly ashkenazim) that they had passed eque that way still had relatives in the locality. Another place that had one fluxode also Jewish (in such a way ashkenazim as sefaradim), was Nilpolis, that for having direct umaligao with the Central region of the River (it saw train), also can receberesses immigrant as it describes in its book ' ' Memories of Square XI' ' Samuel Malamud (1 honorary Consul of the State of Israel in Brazil): ' ' He gave the impression of an enormous ghetto, without walls ourestries In that period, the Jewish population of Rio De Janeiro, cresciadiariamente, had to the enormous immigratory flow coming from the countries dEuropa Eastern.
