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Italian Real Estate

Posted on December 5, 2013 in News

If you plan to buy property in Italy, you should prepare a list of major issues that we are now and we'll do. Choosing a house or apartment for residence or investment – this is a very important step and approach it should be taken seriously. The more information you can gather, the more likely it is to buy your property. Should begin, perhaps, from choosing the appropriate agency. Of course, you can try to make a purchase, and on their own, but it is very troublesome and, perhaps, is not accepted in Italy, and Europe as a whole A good professional agency, as a rule, established all the necessary connections for full support the sales transaction.

1. So the first thing you must make sure that you are dealing with a professional. In Italy, and almost all countries, the real estate activity license is issued. Do not be shy asked to show it to you, and along with other documents that confirm the professionalism and reliability of the selected agencies. 2. Be sure to specify the obligations of the agency, which services offer you have selected agency. Which of them are part of the package, and which must be ordered and paid for separately.

What additional costs can lie on your shoulders. 3. Any agency claims to remuneration for their services sure to specify conditions for commission payments. Rates can be fixed or depend on additional factors. Do not hesitate pouznavat amount of commission payments to other operators on the Italian property market. 4. Ask for a discount in connection with the notorious global crisis almost become fashionable to ask for and give discounts. Do not be embarrassed to ask what discount you can expect, and under what conditions. When it comes to the prestigious and elite real estate, even at a discount of 1% is very important. So, choosing a reliable agency and discuss all the conditions for further cooperation, we can move on to matters of direct concern of your object. The fact it does not make a mistake in selecting a suitable property for you Italian in the next issue