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Humboldt Space

Posted on September 24, 2018 in News

More and more hamburger store Hamburg at MyPlace SelfStorage, 13.05.2013 – hardly another city in Germany has to fight like Hamburg so much with the lack of affordable housing. An affordable apartment in a good location is finally found, the subject moves storage space as a decision criterion for many tenants initially in the background. According to a recent survey by the leading Austrian market research Institute Dr. Karmazin Gallup Institute would additional storage space within your own four walls, however, 25 percent of the urbanites make more living comfort. Also, more and more hamburger store her belongings and goods out of the House.

MyPlace self”, the leader among the storage providers, operates now five sites in the Hanseatic City and the warehouses will be further expanded to meet the demand. But the precarious housing situation alone can not adequately explain the success of Selfstorage offers. The cultural scientist Petra Beck could in her graduate thesis at the Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin numerous other reasons for the trend to the external cellar”making out and also shed, who stores what items in self storage compartments and why. After decades without wars in our countryside, most people have so many things like never before in the history of”proves Petra Beck in her master’s thesis Restopia Selfstorage urban practice” firmly and thus describes one of the most important prerequisites for the lack of storage space in the apartments of German cities. Because: where all the things? Attics are expanded to apartments, basement compartments are rare and are often damp and unsuitable for storage. Additional storage space will give 25 percent of urbanites in the Switzerland, Germany and Austria but more good comfort, the current of the market research company Gallup poll. Increasing mobility of the population of special importance for the growing needs of Selfstorage offers has also the increasing mobility of the population in all areas of life.