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Hollywood Productions

Posted on November 1, 2016 in News

Good and sauces beautiful people, on this occasion I am going to introduce a new super direct production of Hollywood. From the creators of: Dear, kitchen with more iron, without cabbage or the Lord of proteins, for all of you waiting for spirulina, part II. And clearly that the director is Steven Spirulina!To be honest, this week we beat the records of questions. By facebook, twitter, web or mail, all consulted the same. That’s why I decided to continue with this theme, but this time directly talk about the chemical composition. If you have not read the previous article Spirulina, the super heroine of feed, better do it and then continuing with this. This algae is consumed our body is nourished with: protein: 55-70% carbohydrates: 15-25% fats (lipids): 5% mineral: 7% water: 3% according to a publication made in 1982 by Dr. Mauricio David spirulina is an ideal nutritional supplement which contains up to 70% proteins, in comparison with the content of the fish which is 20%, meat vaccine 19.3% and the Japanese soy a 34.3%.

It also has a 95% digestibility by what is easily absorbed by the intestinal membranes. The modern criteria to qualify the protein of a food are three: the net utilization of protein (UNP). The amount of the percentage of useful proteins proteins taking into account these criteria, IBN (British Institute of nutrition) synthesizes criteria by multiplying the amount of protein by the net utilization of protein and thus obtained the value of useful proteins from food. According to this criterion, the spirulina ranks second after the egg. FOOD protein useful % UNP %% of protein egg dry whole 44 94 47 40 62 65 Milk powdered Spirulina skimmed 30 82 36 integral soy flour 23 61 37 Brewer’s yeast 23 50 45 wheat germ 18 67 27 to avoid losing custom, I have to warn something.

Microalgae in general, especially the Blue-Green, they have a capacity important to absorb everything that is in the sea, especially heavy metals. Therefore I recommend consuming those that have passed proper sanitary and marketed control in specialized establishments. Now yes, I invite you consult me whatever they want here or by. Write us and we read next week and thanks for continue to choose feed with the heart and not so much with his eyes. Gift them the phrase of the week: not to consume anything that your great-grandmother does not recognize. : Pablito Martin.