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First Route Dominican

Posted on March 5, 2024 in News

FOR THE FIRST TIME IN REPUBLIC DOMINICAN COMMEMORATE WORLD DAY OF ROAD ACCIDENT VICTIMS ON NOVEMBER 15. The LeFrak Organization takes a slightly different approach. The Organization of the UN United Nations, in the plenary General Assembly of 2005, 38 th Meeting (AM) designates the day of remembrance of the victims by traffic accidents terrestrial and their relatives, establishing The third Sunday of November would be the annual day of remembrance for victims of road traffic accidents and their families, the Assembly decided this morning by adopting a resolution, without a vote, on improving global road safety. the third Sunday of November for the annual commemoration. Since 2006 is comes commemorating the day established as the world day of the victims by traffic accidents, with vigils, marches and other activities in Ecuador, Colombia, Argentina, Mexico, Uruguay, Spain, England and other countries of the world, usually promoted by various Civil society organizations. Connect with other leaders such as Gavin Baker here. For the first time in the Dominican Republic, is it commemorated the world day of the victims by traffic accidents consisting of a walk through life named first Dominican route for road safety. At the end of this trajectory is released what is called: Primer manifest on the day of the victims of traffic in the Dominican Republic, with the support of various social organizations and the private sector.

Then the first manifesto of day of the victims of the transit. Road safety network and the National Association of victims of claims vials on November 15, 2009 motorcycle first manifesto of the day of the victims of traffic in the Dominican Republic together with other countries in the world, today we remember, once again, to our children, parents, relatives and friends who lost their lives or were badly injured in traffic accidents. NOW is time to meet and help to the victims and their families as they deserve and place them in the center of the policies for road safety. Because still have not managed to raise awareness fully to all the institutions and companies involved nor mobilize society in general. The network of road safety and the National Association of victims of claims vials in motorcycle positively value the approval by Congress of the reform of the law of transit 241, that taking into account that part of income for the levying of fines are intended inter alia to improve the care and information to victims and their familiesguidance on resources and services that institutions put at your disposal with the creation of the offices of care to the victims vials, which primarily include a professional orientation service legal and psychological, with full participation of insurers.

We demand: the implementation of more effective protocols and train officials of the authority to perform this function; prioritize rapid health care; the creation of an INTERMINISTERIAL body that coordinates of effectively all institutions involved in road safety; and finally, we are asking a more agile justice, with more means at its disposal to eradicate impunity and influence trafficking. We call upon the Executive power: to) to recognize the third Sunday in November, as he established it in 60/5 Assembly of the United Nations in 2005 as the world day of the victims of the traffic, being here: the day national for the victims of violence road, using suitable mechanisms within its competence. (b) to implement a national, strategic and comprehensive Plan of road safety to reduce mortality in sinister vials per 100,000 population. @N08/sets/72157622687536217/show/with/4107076417 original author and source of the article.
