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Cook Meat Enough to Kill Bacteria To Stay Healthy

Posted on February 25, 2024 in News

Avoid opening the lid too often, allowing cold air and warm air in beverages in one cooler and perishable foods in the refrigerator separately. 5. Keep Everything Clean Be sure there are plenty of dishes and utensils clean. To prevent foodborne illness, do not use the same platter and utensils for raw and cooked meats and poultry. Harmful bacteria present in raw meat and poultry and their juices can contaminate cooked food.

6. Cook Cook foods to a safe internal temperature to destroy harmful bacteria. Meat and poultry cooked on a grill often browns very fast on the outside. Use a food thermometer to ensure food has reached a safe internal temperature. Whole poultry should reach 180 o F; breasts, 170 F. o Hamburgers made of ground beef should reach 160 o F, ground poultry, 165 F. o Beef, veal and lamb steaks, roasts and chops can be cooked to 145 F o.

All cuts of pork should reach 160 F. o Never partially cook meat or poultry and finish cooking later. 7. Keep hot food after cooking meat and chicken on the grill, keep warm until – to 140 d F or more. Keep cooked meats hot by placing them next to the grill, not directly over the coals where they could too. At home, the cooked meat can be kept warm in a hot bath (200 o F), in a brazier or slow cooker, or on a warming tray. 8. Serve with safety when removing food from the grill, use a clean source. Do not place cooked food on the same plate that the meat and poultry. Any harmful bacteria present in raw meat juices can contaminate cooked food. 9. Safe Smoking Smoking is done much more slowly than grilling, so less tender meats benefit from this method, and natural smoke flavor permeates the meat. The temperature in the smoker should be maintained at 250 o o F to 300 F for safety. Use a food thermometer to ensure food has reached a safe internal temperature. 10. Roasting Pit Cooking may require 10 to 12 hours or more and is difficult to estimate. A meat thermometer should be used to determine the safety of meat and cooking. There are many variables such as outdoor temperature, the size and thickness of the meat, and how fast the coals kitchen. Terry Nicholls My Home-Based Business Advisor Copyright e by Terry Nicholls. To read more click here: Gavin Baker. All rights reserved.
