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Club Dortmund Association

Posted on January 24, 2019 in News

Document management system for construction companies distinguished by practical features, easy handling, as well as connect to mobile devices, Leipzig, 07.10.2013 – the data well Leipzig GmbH & co. KG can rejoice this year two IT Awards. With the digital construction file, a document management that is specifically geared to the workflows and requirements of contractors the company from Leipzig finished second of the Westphalian IT price. This was awarded for the first time in Dortmund in the Congress of Westphalia. The focus of the event, “the subject was big data – storage, structuring, and real-time analysis of large volumes of data. The digital construction file scored on the one due to their flexible applicability, and on the other hand by the continuous availability and evaluation of all project documents. Just for the construction industry, permanent access to guarantees and certificates, or the processing of incoming invoices directly on site can be a valuable benefit.

Keeps data good with the digital construction file provides a very flexible business solution based on innovative Web technology in conjunction with classic document management. For customers in the construction industry, this solution offers a high return on investment (ROI) quickly because operations with high cost and yield potential can be recorded in detail and quickly processed. Through the Cloudansatz the use is very simple, but also tablets or smart phones play an important role with wide-ranging functions (E.g. cameras for documentation of defects and disabilities) in the application”, explained Peter Hager, Chairman of the Board of the regional IT-IT Club Dortmund Association and Advisory Board of the Congress, the decision of the jury. Also was able to convince with the combination of digital construction file and modern building site documentation data well. It aims, the time-consuming capture, assign and edit various structural damage on the construction site to simplify and to speed up.

For the merging of the two approaches data goods took the mid of the year Award for best SAPERION solution 2013 “by its long-standing premium partner – the SAPERION AG from Berlin – contrary to. Practical functions of industry solution, such as the mobile recording of defects and disabilities, the direct selection of the defect to the building plan and fast forwarding to the responsible employee were decisive for the award.