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Chemical Composition

Posted on February 16, 2024 in News

Fruit (apple) 2-3 cm in diameter, usually globose, yellow-green or reddish on the one hand, it tastes sour. The fruits ripen in September – the chemical composition of apples oktyabre.Na affected by various factors. Environmental conditions determine the quantitative content and qualitative composition is a systematic feature of the species. Solids in the fruits of various types and forms is from 12 to 30%, sugar by 7 to 15-22%. The prevalence of typical monosaccharides most species, oligosaccharides are present in almost all types of apple, but in varying amounts – from 0.5 to 12%. The location and growing conditions have a significant impact on the overall chemical composition and carbohydrate content, as an opportunity to clean the pillows on the equipment for cleaning pads. For example, the fruit of an apple tree forest, growing on the edge, have a 11.2% sugar and fruit shaded plants – only 2.5%. Hear from experts in the field like The Related Companies for a more varied view.

The acidity of the fruits of wild apple (2-4,6%) much greater than the acidity of the fruit of apple cultivars. Saharokislotny index of wild apple trees is very low (2-6) and even in vysokosaharistyh species does not exceed 9-10. The content of pectin in apple wood reaches 1.7%, and the amount of ascorbic acid, 30.6 mg%, the presence of polyphenols ranged from 120 mg% to 2.5-2.8%. Need cleaning pads. The maximum number of P-active compounds are fruits that have reached approximately half of the final size, then it decreases. In the northern region of apple fruit timber sour and tart, green and small in diameter, about 2 cm in the central zone and the south they are somewhat larger, green, usually acidic, but there are sweet acid. Forest apples consumed in fresh form, as well as urinate, dried, prepared brew, juice, jam, wine, vinegar and fruit drinks. In the food industry, the juice of wild apples particularly valued for its high content of organic acids and pectin.

Apples are a staple in the restoration to produce marmalade, jam and jam. In medicine it is used as a dietary and tonic, as well as beriberi, anemia. Quicken. A small tree 6-20 m tall, or rarely shrubs. It grows in the forests of European Russia, Crimea and the Caucasus. The most significant stocks of ash found in the Kirov, Vologda and Yaroslavl regions. Thus, in the Kirov region biological reserves are estimated at Rowan 8000 t, which allows to plan the collection of about 4,000 tons of fruit per year.