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Posted on August 10, 2015 in News

In this same exposition, Ligia Clark showed to its ‘ ‘ clothes of corpo’ ‘ , Ligia Pape its ‘ ‘ poem box with ants vivas’ ‘. Many events had set in the source of the Tropiclia, what for me it was a start around the thought in the leisure (dancers of the Hose had been the day all playing letters, ideas were created around the activity ‘ ‘ time disponvel’ ‘. A series of participativas public manifestations had been materialize from this exposition culminating with the experience of the apocalipopoteses (described later) in August of 1968 in Aterro of the Flamengo. During all these evolutions, I would say that the critical conscience of the artists was the most important element for those manifestations of vanguard that always were dealt with fury or indifference, attacks proceeding from the established critical art. Exception and homage must be made some, especially Mario Pedrosa that greatly was influenced by those works and always received the ideas of the vanguard, some of which if they had initiated with it. Recently, Frederico Morais and Mrio Schomberg had also dedicated a great business in the development of ideas. Of idea of the den expressed in the new environment (planned since 1967 and first constructed in the Whitechapel Gallery in London, since February de1969. Such as to crelazer (1968) and hermafroditopotesis had appeared theoretical concepts (1969), much more complex in its objectives and the idea of the large cabin.

Synthesis of the Tropiclia – the concept of tropiclia initially related to a pure theoretical idea was spread of surprise, leaving my field of vision by means of an event that I would like to describe here: music pop of Caetano Veloso and Gilbert Gil (singers and composers), Torquato Neto and Capinam (poets), Tone Z (composer and singer), the GAL Coast (singer). Suddenly Caetano Veloso became possible and provoked the synthesis when it made a stranger unexpected composition that not yet had name and that somebody gave the name of Tropiclia, name and concept that expressed better it. Caetano wise person who I had created the term, but not yet we had known in them personally. This very functioned well in all the imaginable ways. It was marcante point in all the developments of creative trend in Brazil.

Caetano and Gil had acted in the creation of the extraordinariest revolution in Brazilian music pop giving an importance of vanguard experience and at the same time they had related, intentionally or not, with experiences in other fields of creation such as the theater of Jose Celso Martinez Correa (the King of the Candle – part of Oswald de Andrade, Brazilian poet who since 1920 influenced all the teatrais directions of the Brazilian vanguard with important poems and parts? production presented in Nancy in 1968). Other productions of Jose Celso of extreme importance had been ‘ ‘ Viva’ wheel; ‘ Brechts ‘ ‘ Galileu’ ‘. The cinema of Glauber Rock


Posted on August 9, 2015 in News

It is a fact that sometimes we can not change, but it helps that we are aware of their negative effects on our family. In this way we can minimize the damage that our lifestyles may be causing our children. Use every moment to be with your teen. For this stage of his life as father, who only a few years if you think about it-it is better to stop other activities aside and focus on their child, especially if it has problems. You have a few years to make a difference in the life of your child. You better take advantage of them. A pair of hours a week can make a difference from heaven to earth for the life of your child. Remember that quality always prevails over the amount of time.

Take time to talk with your teen. Accompany your activities and get involved in their lives. Doing so with a genuine interest in his life, he or she is going to open and soon you will find having the most incredible conversations with your teen. There goes the road. Do not be surprised with their hairstyles, tattoos, piercing or ways of dressing. It’s more important what is happening in the heart of your child that what is happening outside. The external change, but the heart may have wounds, fears and insecurities that are detrimental to their future life. Focus on that.

Understand that differences of opinion you have with your teen are normal and necessary. Your child is developing its own personality and sometimes manifest in a clumsy and immature, but it needs to manifest. At that time the language of love and understanding is much more powerful than the authority and control. If you need help with preparing their children for real life, I invite com where you will receive a free virtual book that will teach you 10 facts that a mother taught her children about how to prepare well for the future and following The which became a millionaire at age 21! Langerfeldt Bettina, whose passion is to teach people of all ages how to acquire a vision for their life, such as setting goals and then pursue specific education to enable them to achieve them.

Italians Region

Posted on August 8, 2015 in News

In the center of the city, ashkenazim and sefaradim had constructed religious and culturaisseparados spaces. In the Leopoldina, the families sefaradim, in reduced number, if inseriramna life ashkenazi with difficulties. The European immigrants did not like that osfilhos they married outside of the group due to communication difficulty as the novosparentes, ' ' (VAITSMAN, 2006:102) the writer Rachel Mizrahi, also weaves commentary sobreessa division between the Jews: The Jewish immigrants, marked for the conservadorismo, nocogitaram in the marriage of the children with people of other religious origins. Noincio, was bothered with marriages with asquenazis, known como' ' gringos' ' (MIZRAHI, 2003:171). ITS OLD GHETTOS AND ITS NEW PAPER IN the SOCIETY different Languages and customs between the proper Jews, jdemonstrava as the adaptation of them in these new lands could be difficult. However this was not the main agent of difficulty for these immigrants, another point that caused certain constaint enters they age the difcilaceitao in our land. This finished being one them reasons that had made diversasfamlias mistreat to live next to have its social circles between them eat ' ' aportuguesar' ' its names to be better accepted in sociedadeda time. The region of Square XI, was not only a redoubt of blacks, Italians and other immigrants.

Had its proximity with the Center of the Riomuitos Jewish they had made of the region of next region its housing. Some quehaviam before fond and already they had certain stability rented noscortios rooms for just fond the Jewish young men, therefore many of them not tinhamposse none. Square XI also served as first polar region of meeting dasdiversas families you mistreat (mainly ashkenazim) that they had passed eque that way still had relatives in the locality. Another place that had one fluxode also Jewish (in such a way ashkenazim as sefaradim), was Nilpolis, that for having direct umaligao with the Central region of the River (it saw train), also can receberesses immigrant as it describes in its book ' ' Memories of Square XI' ' Samuel Malamud (1 honorary Consul of the State of Israel in Brazil): ' ' He gave the impression of an enormous ghetto, without walls ourestries In that period, the Jewish population of Rio De Janeiro, cresciadiariamente, had to the enormous immigratory flow coming from the countries dEuropa Eastern.



Real Estate Rental Market Astrakhan

Posted on August 7, 2015 in News

After analyzing the real estate market in the city of , you can understand that the real estate market is selected from the pit into which it has driven the economic crisis. One of the important indicators of market recovery Real estate is the normalization of prices for the purchase / sale and rent. Markedly renewal transactions for the purchase and rental of real estate, although more recently has been brewing for a sharp jump in prices. The situation on the currency market has pushed buyers to become more assertive. If before the citizens of Russia have taken a wait, demanding lower prices for apartments, which led to the present standoff between the seller, who held the pre-crisis level price and the buyer, who wanted to get discounts for buying a home, now the situation has changed. Homebuyers were able to mortgage lending in rubles. This situation makes it possible to resume normal commodity-money relations in the housing market. Sellers of real estate do not rule out bidding, and buyers have the cash on hand for the calculations.

More recently, analysts say with confidence that the rental market Housing is one of the most volatile, but in the beginning of this year, the situation in this sector began to change. Number of tenants has increased markedly, the number of proposals has decreased significantly. As a consequence – Prices for rentals of residential and commercial real estate "creeping" up. All of this suggests that the real estate market appeared further growth prospects.



The Building

Posted on August 7, 2015 in News

First, in new convenient and comfortable common area. Large area in front of the apartments furnished safe emergency exits, elaborately mounted lifts. In the very apartments – large across hallways, kitchens and balconies. Bedrooms – close to a square shape, large, allowing to place a new, comfortable furniture. WC makes it possible to install all the necessary equipment and more feel it freely. That is, different from the minimalist 60's very well marked. It's no secret that these apartments is undoubtedly very expensive. They can afford not to everyone, but only succeeding in this life to people.

Therefore, settling into a new building, you can be almost 100% sure that the neighbors will be from wealthy families. At least, not among the needy. And will pay all utility costs along with all without creating problems for neighbors, and will not create problems, for example, your child will not teach him bad. One advantageous way to purchase housing in the new building – is to buy it at the construction stage, even unfinished house. In this case issued a mortgage contract, which states as collateral property that already belongs to you. In an unfinished housing price per square meter is lower than the finished house. Less than time left before his surrender, the higher the price of housing in it.

But if the house is being completed longer than planned, you'll have to wait until construction is complete, without being able either to move to a new apartment, or take advantage of the money invested. Your money goes, will be frozen as well as construction. This happens in cases where the building is a small company. Typically, it takes him for loans obtained from the bank. But as in the current crisis, banks do not give favors to anyone, including developers, construction firms are often small can not maintain and service the loan, which leads to failure extend it. As a result, the firm continue to build can not, and the house is unfinished. Unfortunately these homes in Vladivostok now missing. To get out of this situation, set in an environment construction firms often go on all sorts of discounts and benefits for those buyers who would invest money in frozen construction. In this case, the price per square meter becomes more attractive. Since the crisis in housing prices provide more opportunities for the middle class to improve their living conditions and to move to prestigious new developments.


Posted on May 8, 2015 in News

It is a taste to communicate to me with the colectivity, and to offer them to a warm greeting to name of the Ganoderma Equipment Health, GS Exclusive Service of the Professionals of N&amp Health; H Corp. SAC. With the purpose of to be able to interchange information about alternative therapies, with the Ganoderma lucidum, to know or to receive information, to contact with professionals in the Peru and the foreigner to me with experience in the food or that wish to know on. To the date I am developing an informative manual and I would like to enrich the information available. For that they do not know of this food, I can summarize that the Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi or Ling Zhi), lives in wooded and humid mountains of Asia. Its history like " Medicinal grass dates for more than 4000 years in the East (China) is made up of more than 200 compounds, between which they emphasize: vitamins, antioxidants, triterpenoides, polysaccharides (as they letinan, component that improves the immune system), germanium organic (mineral that allows to improve cellular oxygenation) and others, which altogether allow to improve the health incredibly.

I invite to review them the presentation of the investigation that is developing the university of Sidney-Australia, on the effect of the Ganoderma lucidum and the metabolic syndrome. Hoping that the information is of their pending interest and to their communications. Them desire successes and an extraordinary health. Karen Judith Cave Rodriguez Ganoderma Equipment Health Lima – Peru original Author and source of the article


Heating Payments

Posted on May 7, 2015 in News

And the installation of automatic balancing valves on the risers once and save the inhabitants from the "traditional" nuisance caused by uneven heating of the battery at different entrances of a home or apartment rooms. Notes for the wise owner can not forget about the financial side. For example, the inhabitants of many homes (especially older, equipped with gas stoves) still pay the electricity consumed by a single tariff, whereas in most regions of Russia, there are two (day-night) and payment system. Housing repairs electrical suggests (if necessary) and the replacement of electric meters. As a result, the tenants get direct savings on payments for electricity, because night rate is usually about 4 times lower than the daytime. Of course, dvuhtarifny apartment meter can be installed individually, but in this case, each owner will have to fully pay its price. Reduce power consumption obschedomovoe allows informed choices electrical equipment. For example, the difference in electricity consumption between different models of lifts can reach 40-50%! And if you provide lighting in the stairwells automatic switches with motion sensors, then light will not burn in vain all night, including only when necessary.

Particular attention should be given the possibility of savings in payments for heating, as for the residents of some settlements, they constitute more than half monthly "rent." At the same time, upgrading the heating system, which was mentioned in the previous section, allows to achieve 35-45% reduction of heat. So, after installing the heat meter and the house- transition to pay for the consumed heat on the fact in the same proportion will decrease payments for heating. The reason is simple. Previously, heating systems (as and every single battery) have always worked in full force. However, winters in much of our country become really harsh but from time to time, interspersed prolonged thaws.

Therefore, citizens often had to keep the window open, actually heating the street. But after the installation of regulating the automation in improving outdoor air temperature heat consumption is automatically reduced, and along with it – and the figures in the monthly accounts. For example, residents of house number 29 on st. Lenin in Beloretsk, where instead of the elevator a few sites on the issuance of the building was installed automated thermal point Danfoss, as well as balancing valves on all risers and radiator thermostats on each battery in the first heating season after repairs have saved more than 250 thousand rubles – in 3000 for each apartment. Of course, the reconstruction of only limited communication is impossible. But their replacement – the most complex and costly part of the repair, because they permeate the entire structure of the building. Therefore, you should always start from that stage, and make it "in full". Today, when the owners need to make only 5% of the cost of equipment and works (Which is usually about 2-3 thousand rubles for each family), they can not afford to bring engineering systems house in full compliance with modern requirements. Later, when all have to make their own expense, such costs can not "pull" the tenants, even a very large house.



Posted on May 4, 2015 in News

Nevertheless other very representative cultures of the region exist as they are the banana, the yucca and the citruses. The Flora, a shared wealth: The Quindo is the department landscape of Colombia due to its ebullient vegetation, with a great biodiversity that constitutes an attractiveness for the visitors, who will be able to observe a variable flora composed by native species, besides orchids, and great variety of heliconias and platanillas. Diverse and colorful fauna: Of the 1,720 species of existing birds in the Country, there is registry of one 380 in the department, composed by eagles, orejiamarillos mountain sparrowhawks, aguilillas, caracaras, toucans, turkey hens, barranqueros, parrots, carpenters, among others. As far as mammals one is the bear of spectacles, species in via of extinction, the howling monkey, the sluggish bear, the mount dog, guatin black, the moose of desert, the sabanero rabbit, chucha, the squirrel, among others. The biodiversity original, introduced and inherited as a result of the transit and the colonization of the way of the Quindo, constitute a significant cultural value that gradually it has given simiente the Quindianidad. The biodiversos and cultural icons, like the maize, the palm of wax, guadua, the coffee, the yucca, the banana, arriera, the architecture, the basketwork, the ceramics the jewellery, the gastronomy; I enter others are part this iconography. To visit this beautiful Colombian zone, the property coffee axis, to contemplate landscapes, to share with its people and to enjoy the fantastic tourist plans coffee axis is to discover great part of the history of the country, forged to blow of axe and on the back of mule; it is to feel the daily one to live on a race that rose with base in the traditional culture of the coffee and that now finds in the tourism a new alternative of life. It is necessary to visit this department and to prove the rent of property in the Quindo in order to delight with the aroma of the Coffee.



Reforms In Houses And Dwellings

Posted on April 30, 2015 in News

At the moment is living a great crisis in the sector of construction in Spain, many companies who were engaged in the construction of new building now in buoyant times have had to adapt and carry out reforms. The construction of new housing has been the sector most affected by the crisis, stopping almost altogether. Sector reforms has also been immersed in the crisis but has been affected to a lesser extent. Currently many people prefer to make a reform in its housing which undertake the adventure of owning a new home. If we only have it in mind one might think that the reforms companies have increased their work and there is no crisis for them, but nothing further from the truth, because you have to take into account what we discussed in previous lines since the conversion of construction companies of new work in companies of reforms has absorbed more than that reforms increase caused by the crisis. In addition such companies typically have enough qualified personnel and it is a big competition for the reforms with minor companies infrastructure. According to the existing perspectives sector reforms will remain at acceptable levels of work. Will always be necessary to carry out reforms in housing since it only by wear there are elements that are broken, others are outdated, etc.

The reforms should go to more since both its equipment as the home itself need a maintenance and although it tends to delay the reforms, there comes a time that is impossible to further delay and the beginning of the reforms must be immediate. With the passage of time can burst pipes, broken toilets, peeling of tile, Windows that do not fit, etc. Thus reforms are essential and go far beyond a simple broken health care change, since since some Healthcare has been broken we take to change the bathroom that had become outdated and uncomfortable at the same time.



Affordable Reality

Posted on April 23, 2015 in News

In today's reality, there are a lot of science, actually are able to explain the basic degree of some phenomena in which no relevant knowledge, to understand one hundred percent fail. Let's say phenomena occurring in the world, namely what is the reason that in the summer rain, and in winter, mostly snow, a science that explains the properties of which some items, in addition, of course this kind of science, specifically that can tell us about our past, in general, and the formation of life on our earth in particular. In its category it is important to note, such a science as paleontology. This science is, in principle, is occupied by the study of fossils, a variety of animals and plants also. With full responsibility we should say that the basic science of paleontology, which obviously may well reveal the secret of living organisms on our planet. Thus say for example in the study of fossils, are fully permissible to say actually how the course was the evolution of any species of animal, but other than that, and how it formed a kind of kai different animals on our earth. Also allowed to trace the evolutionary development of what some animals definitely are now no longer on the earth's surface. Definitely a basic knowledge of the evolution of our past, and of course, factors that clearly at such a process could have an impact, helping to create a model with a very noticeable probability our near future, in general, and the ability to change certain types of separately.

By and large, paleontology skills became demand assist in the development of a certain number of sciences, and history clearly shows itself on the fact that this science is the escalation considerable number of major discoveries. So, will coordinate the livelihoods of mankind in the right direction. In addition, it should be noted that an impressive number of people on the planet, one way or another, are faced with paleontology. Because of this, there is no principled surprising fact is that people have totally different professions often a need, or find some background information, let us say, the main concepts of paleontology, using their own while paleontological dictionary. By no small regret of many professionals and anyone interested in paleontology, find the proper literature is often difficult task, especially when you consider that the essential background information possible, to meet, just because of the relevant literature. Certainly the proliferation and development of the Internet to find any device information obtained without resorting to search for reference books, but often this information is available on a limited basis or not true. Now, the Internet, a new reference Web resource specifically where you can find virtually all of the required background information on a huge number of science, and of course on paleontology in particular. For example, as an alternative to state that in general does not deliver difficult to find this online service all sorts of terms paleontology applying proper for such purpose guide to paleontology, edited by bt Ioannina. In addition, it should also be noted that in general advantages of obtaining background information from this web portal is the lack of any required or registration, as well as directly in the fact that all the necessary information is given for each visitor absolutely free.

