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Posted on May 8, 2015 in News

It is a taste to communicate to me with the colectivity, and to offer them to a warm greeting to name of the Ganoderma Equipment Health, GS Exclusive Service of the Professionals of N&amp Health; H Corp. SAC. With the purpose of to be able to interchange information about alternative therapies, with the Ganoderma lucidum, to know or to receive information, to contact with professionals in the Peru and the foreigner to me with experience in the food or that wish to know on. To the date I am developing an informative manual and I would like to enrich the information available. For that they do not know of this food, I can summarize that the Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi or Ling Zhi), lives in wooded and humid mountains of Asia. Its history like " Medicinal grass dates for more than 4000 years in the East (China) is made up of more than 200 compounds, between which they emphasize: vitamins, antioxidants, triterpenoides, polysaccharides (as they letinan, component that improves the immune system), germanium organic (mineral that allows to improve cellular oxygenation) and others, which altogether allow to improve the health incredibly.

I invite to review them the presentation of the investigation that is developing the university of Sidney-Australia, on the effect of the Ganoderma lucidum and the metabolic syndrome. Hoping that the information is of their pending interest and to their communications. Them desire successes and an extraordinary health. Karen Judith Cave Rodriguez Ganoderma Equipment Health Lima – Peru original Author and source of the article